
Jul 8, 2012

This Skateboard Ceiling Fan Does 900s All Day Long

Over at Notcot's experimental studio they wanted to find a novel way to liven up the boring ceiling fan that hung over their heads. And since they were fans of gleaming the cube, they decided to replace its wooden blades with skateboard decks.

The mod was surprisingly easy, simply requiring the decks to be drilled so they could be bolted to the ceiling fan's angled metal brackets. And even though the decks have a lip at the front and back, the final mounted results were still properly angled to provide a refreshing downdraft. A word of advice if you're thinking of tackling the same DIY mod on your own fan, though. If you're recycling a used deck make sure to remove the skateboard's trucks and wheels first since the added weight would probably burn out the fan's motor well before this heatwave passes. More here.

Jul 7, 2012

Wireless Power Transferred Through Thick Concrete Could Mean Electric Cars That Charge While You Drive

One of the biggest issues preventing the electric car from taking over the roads is their incredibly limited battery life. But researchers at the Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan have demonstrated a new system that could let electric cars constantly recharge while they're being driven.

Their research has resulted in a system that's able to transfer somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 to 60 watts of electricity through almost 4 inches of concrete, allowing the power source to be safely buried beneath a roadway. And specially adapted tires which are wired into a vehicle's power system could then harness that electricity and use it to top off the battery.

At the moment the system exists as a low-power proof-of-concept of the technology, and would require about 100 times more power to actually charge an electric car's battery while it was running. But they claim the components needed to ramp it up are cheaply available, and the system could even work with concrete layers almost eight inches thick if needed. More here.

Ice Cream Sandwich Consumed by One in Ten Android Devices

The latest Dashboard numbers for Google's Android operating system have been released. The verdict? One in ten devices is leveraging Ice Cream Sandwich as their mobile OS of choice. 

The numbers, which are current as of July, put Gingerbread (Android 2.3) in first place with a 64-percent install base; followed by Froyo (Android 2.2) with 17.3-percent and ICS with 10.6-percent. Jelly Bean (Android 4.1), announced just last week at Google's IO Developer Conference, was not included in this instance of the report (as it is not officially available yet). More here.

Jul 6, 2012

Are You Comfortable With Airlines Researching You on Google?

According to the London Evening Standard, British Airways is beginning a program in which employees google the faces of passengers for upcoming flights so that they may immediately greet them upon entry to the airport gate/airplane. Some feel this is an invasion of privacy. But is it really that big of a deal? More here.

How to Make Your iPhone Charge Wirelessly

Wirelessly charging your iPhone would be pretty great, but not with the dumb cases that inductive charging requires. That's why this mod from Tanveer is so great. A regular iPhone that charges when you set it down. The future!

Here's what you'll need, according to Tanveer, in addition to some serious soldering skills:
a steady hand
soldering tools
a spare charger port assembly
very thing gauge wire
a spare back cover
a wireless charger circuit (probably homemade from parts)
It's a pretty involved hack that will obviously void your warranty. You not only have to solder tiny wire to tiny pins, but you've got to add 1mm of give to an iPhone back panel. It takes some serious work, but for a 1mm-thicker iPhone that you don't have to plug in to charge? Kind of worth it. More here.

Jul 5, 2012

Samsung Announces 75-inch ES9000 Smart TV for Korea, With Similarly Gigantic Price Tag

Anyone looking to fill half of their lounge with Samsung LCD just got a new size to choose. In short, if you loved the LED-backlit display of the 55-inch model, you're going to adore the ES9000, which features the same smart TV brains alongside a retractable webcam unit housed on the top edge. The bezel is a mere 7.9mm and Samsung has decided to coat the frame in a gentle Rose Gold coating which.

That premium finish is matched by a premium price tag, however, and will hit checkbooks for 19.8 million won (around $17,450). Despite the UK appearance, retailer John Lewis (which hosted the event) couldn't confirm whether retail models would be coming to its stores in the future. But if you can afford 75 inches of TV, you can also afford a quick flight to Seoul to pick one up. More here.

Olympus’s Google Glasses Competitor Is Really Nothing Like Google Glasses

If you thought Google Glasses looked bad, Olympus's augmented reality specs will make you want to drop dead. The company today announced an awkward, wearable display prototype called Meg 4.0, although it's nothing like Google's version.

Weighing in at 30g, the Olympus model has a 320 x 240 floating screen on the lenses that connects to the wearer's smartphone or tablet using Bluetooth. Google's, meanwhile, are meant to be largely self-contained, not dependent on a tether to an existing device.

The Meg 4.0 supposedly boasts eight hours of battery life, though that's kind of a technicality—Olympus actually expects people to use the glasses in 15 second spurts about every three minutes, which according to someone's math, amounts to eight hours total. It also looks kind of like a Praying Mantis Olympus wants you to wear on your face. The glasses also have an accelerometer, so they can tell which way the person sporting them is facing. But they don't have a camera, which has been one of the main features Google thus far has used to advertise its nerd shades. More here.

Jul 4, 2012

Credit Card Fork

If you're the type who tries to maintain a constant state of readiness for any emergency, Devon Briggs' folding credit card fork will ensure you never have to resort to eating with your hands at a party or fast food joint.

Made from biodegradable plastic, Devon's flat-pack fork is designed to be an alternative to your standard plastic cutlery that's not only easier to ship, but also allows restaurants or other businesses to print their logo or advertising on it. And it's an easy way for anyone to carry a backup fork, whether they've run out at the BBQ you're at, or you just forgot to grab one when buying lunch. Not to mention its obvious uses for self-defense. More here.

How To Take Photos of Fireworks With Your Phone

It just wouldn't be the Fourth of July without the climactic boom of fireworks. If you want to keep that memory all year—or at least share it with all of your friends on Instagram—these tips will help you get lovely photos with your phone, even if you're not a pro.

Some people roll up to the fireworks with a tripod and a fancy DSLR. (If you're one of those people, this handy guide from PCMag should help.) But what if the only tool at your disposal is your smartphone?Here's how to take photos of fireworks that don't suck—no fancy apps or art school degree required.

• Pick a good spot in advance: Before the fireworks even start, you should try to get yourself in a good position: staying upwind of the fireworks will keep the smokey aftermath of previous blasts from gumming up your shot.
• Get steady: Remember, you're taking photos at night so a little bit of shakiness from slower shutter speeds can turn your photo into a blurry mess. Brace yourself against a picnic table or even sit down on the ground if possible. If you're in a crowd, get cozy with your neighbor for support.
• Frame before you shoot: Figure out where in the sky fireworks are blowing up and position your phone in advance. You don't want to chase the shot, you want your phone to be in the right place already.
• Use the AE/AF lock: Once your phone's in position, don't take your shot right away. On the iPhone and many Android phones tapping the screen locks in the exposure and focus for your shot. Use one firework for metering, and then take the photo of the next.
• Don't be afraid of portrait mode: Depending on the scenery and your perspective, both landscape and portrait photos might work well—heck even experiment with crooked angles to see what gets the best results.
• Don't zoom:  Fireworks are SO FAR AWAY but the digital zoom on camera phones is only an illusion. Don't use it. You can always crop the photo later.
• Keep it native: Speaking of later, third-party apps introduce additional lag to your phone's camera. Keep your timing sharp by using your built-in camera app, and upload it to Instagram later.

Jul 3, 2012

The Fireworks Laws of Every State

If you're looking to blow some stuff up tomorrow, it's probably a good idea to know what sort of fireworks you're "legally" allowed to use according to state law. This map will give you all the information you need to know on whether fireworks are legal, illegal or incredibly lame in your state.

American Pyro actually has detailed PDFs that list the specific rules for each state. You'll have to look at those because while some states are totally gung ho about fireworks, others force you to make do with twinkly sparklers (or force you to make a road trip to a neighboring state). It's important to note though, that fireworks laws can vary within the state (county to county, etc.). Just because California is cool with fireworks doesn't mean Beverly Hills is.

Anyway. Read up on your state's rules and plan accordingly. Freedom won't celebrate itself (though it kinda does). More here.

Scientists Have Finally Made Stretchable Circuitry

Bendable electronics are nothing new. But if you're after an electronic party trick, you're going to want to get your hands on a new breed of stretchable circuitry.

Elastic electronics are something engineers have been lusting over for a long ol' time. It's not hard to understand why: current constraints mean that most circuits are solid or, at best, slightly flexible. Imagine the possibilities if your conductors could stretch to many times their length.

The problem is, though, that when most conducting materials are stretched, their material properties change—in fact, their conductivity typically drops by factors of tens or hundreds. That makes them practically useless.

Now, a team from the McCormick School of Engineering has changed that by loading a polymer with liquid metal. They took the porous polymer material called poly(dimethylsiloxane), that can stretch to many times its original size. Then they placed a liquid metal called EGaIn inside the pores, in turn allowing electricity to flow consistently even when the material is excessively stretched.

The new material, which is discussed in an article in Nature Communications, can stretch to twice its length without any drop in conductivity. That makes it four times more extendable than any other elastic conductor ever made. More here.

Jul 2, 2012

You Can Ship This Stainless Steel Table In an Envelope

When buying furniture that's easy to ship, you usually have to compromise on design, stability, and even ease of use. But Studio Toer is offering the best of all worlds with these stainless steel tables that fit inside a shipping envelope when disassembled.

The Postable Table's modular design not only lets it squeeze inside shipping packaging usually reserved for letter mail, but by simply increasing the number of panels included it can serve as either a small coffee table, or something that's actually useful for work and dining.

It seems like the perfect way to furnish a home if you move around a lot, until you consider the price. The smallest and most 'affordable' version measuring just 23-inches long will cost you $190. While the more usable 70-inch model is a whopping $870. But thanks to their flat, foldaway design, shipping is just $20 all around the world. More here.

Would You Use This Curved Keyboard?

WMPowerUser is reporting that Microsoft's research team is working on this curved software keyboard, leaked from an internal presentation. It even speculates that it might be made available in Windows Phone 8.

It's clearly designed for single-handed use, following the arc of the thumb across the screen and presumably using predictive algorithms to make up for what would surely amount to a lot of mistakes. Whether it's real or not is, of course, up for debate, as is the validity of the concept. I think it's a neat idea in theory, but that in reality it would be hateful to work with. More here.

Jul 1, 2012

Users Reporting BBM Down, Joins Instagram in Being Less Social

First Netflix, then Instagram, now BBM? There are reports along with plenty of Twitter noise that the popular BlackBerry service has headed south. This makes for one heck of an anti-social weekend if you're a photo-sharing, BBM-er for sure. More here.

Check out the response:
Today, we experienced a service issue which may have affected some of our customers in certain parts of Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Some minor issues relating to browsing and BlackBerry Messenger may still persist, but all other services are operating as normal. We apologize to any customers in these regions who may have been inconvenienced.

Jun 30, 2012

This Combo Trackpad-Mouse Combo Is Either Twice As Awful or Half As Good As a Regular Mouse

There's no way Gigabyte's Xenon Dual Mode Touchpad Mouse, that is a trackpad and mouse in one combination, can be any good, right? The mouse looks like a complete horror show, like using an angular Magic Mouse, and the trackpad looks neutered and drooping. I don't believe.

Gigabyte says that the Xenon is world's first dual mode touchpad/mouse action, which seems sort of cool but probably foreboding on why this Frankenmouse didn't exist before. Still, there are possible use cases: balancing the touchscreen friendly Windows 8? Dabbling in some multi-touch before needing the accuracy of the mouse's 1000dpi mouse tracking? Being bipolar about mouse and trackpads?

The Xenon is pretty cheap at $40 but I can't help but think it's either ruining two independently good things or combining together to create awfulness. Works with PC, not with Mac. More here.

Jun 29, 2012

A Self-Heating Butter Knife: Genius or Overkill?

The knife, designed by Warburtons, heats up to 41.8 degrees Celsius, powered by AA batteries in the handle - and melts the butter just enough to spread smoothly, without gouging holes in the bread.

A button on the handle activates the battery-operated heating element and a flashing LED indicates it is on. The prototype can spread a slice of bread in 30 seconds - although it's not clear when or if it will be released, or how much it will cost.

At first, I thought that this electric butter knife—which heats itself to an optimum temperature (41 degrees celsius) in under 20 seconds—was nothing more than a frivolous byproduct of first-world culture. But the more I think of my epic struggles with a cold stick of butter sometimes, the more I think I like it.

The World’s Smallest 4K Camera Fits in the Palm of Your Hand

4K resolution video will be the next big technological leap as far as film and television goes. But it doesn't take a massive, expensive camera like the RED Epic to shoot 4K resolution video. In fact, Point Grey's Flea3 webcam—equipped with a Sony Exmor R sensor—is up to the task but is hardly bigger than an inch in any direction.

The technical feat here is that the camera is able to push video to any compatible, USB 3.0-equipped device in real-time—something that requires a fair amount of bandwidth. Obviously, resolution isn't everything, and you probably won't be shooting cinematic masterpieces with this diminutive beast, but if you need a little extra size and clarity from your image, this might do the trick. Though at $945, the only interested parties might be businesses with video conferencing and surveillance needs. More here.

Jun 28, 2012

Do You Still Wear a Watch?

Watches are, for the most part, a redundant technology. We have digital timekeepers in front of our faces pretty much all the time. And yet, the watch still persists—because of tradition, an appreciation for fashion and design, or straight up novelty. So why do you have a watch on your wrist ?

Jun 27, 2012

Nanoscale Microwave Transmitters Will Transform Your Phone

To pump out all the radio-frequency signals that let you make phone calls and consume the internet wirelessly, your phone uses small chunks of silicon to create microwaves. Science had pushed the little things as far as they could—but now a nanoscale version promises to make your phone smaller, cheaper and better-performing.

A team of UCLA scientists has developed a microwave oscillator that uses the spin of electrons, rather than the more conventional charge, to create radio-frequency waves. While that might not sound particularly impressive, it brings with it some major benefits.

First off, it means the oscillator can be 10,000-times smaller than those that are used at the moment. That is a pretty amazing leap in size, and it means that the devices will finally make their way on to integrated circuits—as their size and design is compatible with current chip manufacturing standards.

They also create much sharper frequency outputs. In turn, that means more data can be crammed into the same bandwidth from a device using such technology, and that there's less noise so they provide a cleaner voice and video signal.

Unlike many of these kinds of technological leaps, there's no obvious barrier which could get in the way of the science being translated directly into practice. But you can certainly expect somewhat of a wait before it makes its way off the researcher's bench and into your phone. More here.

Jun 25, 2012

Curly Hot Dog Roasters: A More Refined Take on Your Childhood Summers

For $22 you can recapture some of that childhood nostalgia in a more refined way. Made from stainless steel, the roasters have a playful, pigtail screw on the end where you stick your sausage. They're 34-inches long, so you're not going to burn yourself, and they come with a leather carrying strap. It's quite the upgrade from the improvised campfire tools of your youth. More here.

Scientists Create Wi-Fi That Can Transmit Seven Blu-ray Movies Per Second

If you think your home Wi-Fi connection is fast, think again. Scientists have been working on a new way to transmit data wirelessly, and they can now transfer a scorching 2.5 terabits of information per second.

That's over eight times faster than Verizon's fastest wired home internet connection, FiOS, that only manages a paltry 300Mbps. Or, to put it in real terms, it's the same as transmitting seven full Blu-ray movies per second. Basically, this shit is crazy fast.

The team of American and Israeli researchers have used a neat new concept, where the electromagnetic waves that usually carry data are twisted into vortex beams. ExtremeTech describes the concept well:
These twisted signals use orbital angular momentum (OAM) to cram much more data into a single stream. In current state-of-the-art transmission protocols (WiFi, LTE, COFDM), we only modulate the spin angular momentum (SAM) of radio waves, not the OAM. If you picture the Earth, SAM is our planet spinning on its axis, while OAM is our movement around the Sun. Basically, the breakthrough here is that researchers have created a wireless network protocol that uses both OAM and SAM.

The combination of the two provides some amazing possibilities. So far, the researchers, from University of Southern California, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and Tel Aviv University, have twisted together eight data streams, each operating at 300 Gbps, to achieve the new record of 2.5 terabits per second. At the moment, they've only transmitted signals as far as 1 meter. That should be scaled up before long—though the researchers admit 1 kilometer is probably an upper limit.

What's perhaps most interesting is that the technique can be used to twist together an awful lot of slower data connections.

Of course, all that remains is for the team to develop the technology into something robust enough to use on a commercial scale—and there's no telling how long that might take. More here.

Jun 24, 2012

Was This Indestructible Axe Made By the Same Craftsmen Who Created Thor’s Hammer?

The best feature of this seemingly indestructible fiberglass-handled hatchet isn't that you can repeatedly drive a tractor over it without snapping the handle. No, it's that the axe can be used by anyone with $30 to spare—unlike Thor's hammer which can only be wielded by the mythical hero of Norse legend.

The reinforced fiberglass composite handle on this axe is not only light and durable, it's also molded to the drop-forged steel blade so that when you're in the heat of battle against firewood, there's no risk of it flying off the handle—literally. In fact, the hatchet is so tough it comes with a lifetime warranty, so if you do somehow manage to break it, a replacement is just a phone call away. More here.

D-Link Unveils Cloud Router 1200 and 2000 in Tube Form

One of the biggest appeals for us in D-Link's new Cloud Router 1200 and 2000 is that tube shape, which is a nice break from the amorphous blobs we're used to as our WiFi routers. Not to say that there aren't convincing technical reasons to like them. Both will let you remotely administrate the 802.11n router's devices from an Android or iOS app, and they both carry four gigabit Ethernet jacks as well as a USB port for some network media storage.

The differences lay exclusively in the wireless support, where the single-band 1200 caters to the frugal set at 300Mbps and the simultaneous dual-band 2000 hums along at 600Mbps. Thankfully, the prices of the just-shipping access points are both about right for what you get: the Cloud Router 1200 is a cheap and cheerful $60, and the 2000 won't strain the wallet much more at $100. More here.

Jun 23, 2012

Unbreakable Silicone Plates Inspired By Tropical Leaves

They're durable enough to withstand even a trip through the microwave, dishwasher, or even your oven. And besides creating an enchanting tropical feel at your next get-together, designer Nao Tamura's creations can be easily rolled up and crammed in a drawer for storage. But at $80for a set of four, you better make sure none of your guests toss one in the compost bin when they're done eating. More here.

The World’s Smallest iPhone Charger Skips The Cables Altogether

If you're a loyal iPhone user you're probably used to toting around its charging adapter and cable just in case. Apple has done a good job at making it tiny, but by cutting the cord, the JuiceBuddy looks even easier to pocket.

Like the iPhone's included charger, the JuiceBuddy packs a pair of fold-away prongs that allowing it to be plugged directly into an outlet. And hidden beneath a cap on top is the standard dock connector used by iOS devices, letting you then connect your iPhone or iPod Touch. Although, that design means it's really only going to work best when plugged into a wall outlet, so your iOS device can then perch atop the JuiceBuddy. Using it with a powerbar could be a bit of a challenge.

But for just $25—available in red, white, black, or silver—it's a nice alternative to Apple's offering when traveling. And removing the keychain portion reveals a standard USB 2 port allowing you to charge other devices as well. So it just might replace all of the charging gear you usually have to pack. More here.

Sony Patent Filing for Glasses Would Share Data Face to Face

Google might not realize it, but Project Glass isn't alone in the patent race these days. Sony has quietly applied for a patent on a familiar-looking smart glasses system whose advantage over Mountain View would be an emphasis on things in twos. Eyepieces are the most obvious, but Sony is also keen on sharing data between two friends: transmitters on a pair of glasses would send personal info through a likely very uncomfortable glance at someone else with the same eyewear. 

If your friends are more than a little weirded out from sharing by staring, the proposed glasses could still pick up information from visual tags on posters, products and virtually anything else. There's even the obligatory connection to a watch for sharing data with the rest of the world. More here.

Jun 22, 2012

Brilliant Spinning Heatsink Cools CPUs 30 Times More Efficiently

Most computers use a two-step process to cool the CPU. First, a heat exchanger pasted to the processor draws the warmth away. And then a combination of a heatsink and fans dissipate it away from the PC. But by merging those two steps into one, this spinning cooler ends up being greater than the sum of its parts.

The Sandia Cooler was developed by the Sandia National Labs who do enough research to know a thing or two about how to effectively cool a computer. The most interesting aspect of the cooler is that it doesn't attach directly to the CPU using thermal paste—which isn't possible given it's always spinning. Instead, it sits a mere thousandth of an inch above the processor, which creates what's called an air bearing that's actually just as efficient at transmitting heat.

And as the heat moves from the CPU to the cooler, it's almost immediately blasted away via a series of fins spinning at 2,000 rpm. As a result, Sandia claims the system is at least 30 times more efficient at cooling a processor than traditional heatsink and fan methods.

And not only is it also far quieter, but the blades are spinning far too quickly to ever collect dust. So while it lets you safely overclock your system, it's also automatically keeping it clean at the same time. And maybe that's the real innovation here.

Keep Your Coat Hanging on by a String

Tired of running into your laundry with the vacuum because your clothes are strewn about the floor? Even if you buy a rack to hang them on it's still going to be in the way, unless the rack itself happens to be hanging just off the ground.

Veronika Wildgruber and Susanne Stofer's amusingly named Wardrope comes with all the hardware you'll need to suspend it from your ceiling, as well as four adjustable hooks that slide up and down its length. A weight at the bottom stops it from swinging around too much, and for around $87 you can get it in a variety of color combinations. Just go easy on the thick winter coats, backpacks filled with text books, or Tarzan impersonations, because the rack's only rated to support about 30 pounds. More here.

SSDs Cost Half as Much as They Did in 2011, So It’s Time to Upgrade

While last years Thailand floods saw the cost of HDDs skyrocket, the price of solid state drives has been slowly dropping. In fact, since early 2011 prices have dropped on average by 46 percent.

Tech Report has taken a long and thorough look at the changing prices of SSDs, and the news is good: the drops in price has been steady, but significant. That's largely thanks to healthy, if aggressive, competition between big players in the market. Except on the part of Intel, which has shied away from discounting its drives.

While such competition shows no signs of stopping, that in itself is no reason to put off upgrading much longer. If you've been telling yourself you'd switch to SSD when it got cheaper, well, it did get cheaper. More here.

Jun 21, 2012

The Galaxy S III Is Trying So Hard It Catches Fire

The new Samsung Galaxy S III is a great phone that's just trying too hard. So hard, in fact, that it's bursting into flames under the pressure.

Engadget is reporting a case of the phone catching fire while being used in an in-car holster. Apparently the device sparked into white flames, before making a loud bang. What's left is a pretty substantial burn and a reasonable amount of molten plastic. Fortunately, nobody was injured. Samsung has since announced:
"Samsung is aware of this issue and will begin investigating as soon as we receive the specific product in question. Once the investigation is complete, we will be able to provide further details on the situation. We are committed to providing our customers with the safest products possible and are looking at this seriously." More here.

The World’s First Remote-Controlled (LED) Light Bulb

Don't you hate getting all bundled up under the covers, your pillows in the perfect scrunch position under your head, only to realize you didn't turn out the lamp on the opposite end of the room and there's no way you'll be able to sleep with that bright bulb shining in your eyes all night? I do.

Luckily for everyone, INSTEON, manufacturers of the best-selling and most reliable home-automation technology today, have come up with the perfect way to avoid finding yourself in the predicament ever again: the world's first remote-controllable LED light bulb.

The 60W, $29.99 bulb can be dimmed via a remote control available for both iOS and Android. As soon as the bulb is screwed in, its unique network address (which is printed on the bulb itself) is instantly recognized by the INSTEON network (or any nearby devices)—which means you'll be able to easily swap bulbs out without having to go through an annoying linking process. More here.

Jun 20, 2012

These Pixelated Glasses are the Definition of Computer-Geek

Paris-based eyewear designer Dzmitry Samalgives a whole new meaning to the idea of so-called hipster glasses, with his pixel-inspired "5DPI" frames.
These futuristic glasses have been designed with a pixelated effect, deliberately reflecting society's fascination with an "informational aesthetic". The design clearly refers for late 1980s computerized graphics and video games such as Tetris. While computer images and graphics have been revolutionized over the past two decades, these glasses are reminiscent of society's digital roots and how technology has inspired
almost everything in use today. Even something as utilitarian as glasses can be transformed using technology. Patented model.
The frames (approx. $378) are hand-made in France, using the most current technology and can be fitted with either 100% UV protection solar frames or translucent lenses. They can be order online here.

Jun 19, 2012

Giant Tie Clips Keep Your Veggies On the Grill and Out Of the Fire

Vegetables and BBQs were meant to be together, but for every piece of grilled asparagus that makes it to the table, how many fall through the grill to a fiery death? It's a terrible summer epidemic that these Grill Clips should alleviate.

They might look like oversized tie clips, but these spring-loaded grips are designed to securely hold thinner or delicate veggies that are most at risk of falling through the grill when flipped. Think of them as stainless steel insurance that guarantees your asparagus, green onions, and zucchinis all make it to the table. You can get a set of four for $15 and they might even eventually pay for themselves, if you find yourself having to buy extra grill fixings to compensate for the vegetables that get left behind. More here.

Nokia’s Mega-Major 41MP 808 PureView Phone

The41MP camera with a phone attached to it will finally wash up on America's shores at the end of this week, although like all good curios it comes at a cost.

Available exclusively through Amazon, the unlocked, off-contract 808 PureView will cost you $700, and will be compatible with either AT&T's 3G network or T-Mobile's 2G offering. That sounds like a lot of money—and it is—but it's worth remembering that unlocked phones are terribly pricey; the list price for an unshackled Galaxy Nexus is $800, for instance.

You can sign up to be notified when the Great 808 PureView US Sales Extravaganza begins; just make sure you've cleared out space for it in your menagerie of weirdo gadgets. Or just wait until they finally stick that 41MP beauty in a Lumia. More here.

Jun 18, 2012

Microsoft Reveals its own Windows 8 Tablet

Microsoft just confirmed it will sell its own Microsoft-branded Windows 8 RT tablet under the Surface badge. Measuring just 9.3mm thick, the Surface for Windows RT is built around an angled, all-magnesium VaporMg case that weighs just under 1.3 pounds, with an NVIDIA-made ARM chip powering the whole affair. 

Microsoft's hardware partner has also gone all-out on extra touches, such as a built-in stand, twin 2x2 MIMO antennas for WiFi, and a 10.6-inch optically-bonded, Gorilla Glass 2-covered HD display. Not unlike Apple's last two generations, there's a magnetically attached cover, but it's more than just a protector: here, it includes a full multi-touch keyboard and trackpad. 

As for expansion, you'll get one each of HDMI, microSD and USB 2.0 (sorry folks, no 3.0) as well as either 32GB or 64GB of storage, while software includes the usual Windows 8 accoutrements and a newly Metrofied version of Netflix. The Surface for Windows RT should arrive roughly in step with Windows 8, but Microsoft is only promising pricing "competitive" with similar ARM tablets -- and you're looking for a tablet with more grunt, you can spring for the Intel-packing Surface for Windows 8 Pro.

This Is the Healthiest Meal in the World

Take a superstore full of crazy nutritional advice, and shove it all into the biggest pot you can find. Simmer gently for months, skimming the scum off the top occasionally. Finally, reduce until you have only the best, most trustworthy claims left. What's left? The world's healthiest meal.

That's pretty much the recipe that the Leatherhead Food Research group followed in order to sort the good nutritional research from the bad. They whittled down thousands of nutritional studies until they were left with just 222 that were judged to be most scientifically convincing.

Then, they built up a menu for a three course dinner, which ticked as many of the health-giving boxes of their findings as they could manage. Course-by-course, it runs as follows:
  • Fresh and smoked salmon terrine; high-fiber multi-grain bread roll
  • Chicken casserole with lentils and mixed vegetables; olive-oil dressed mixed leaf salad
  • Live yogurt blancmange topped with walnuts and sugar-free caramel sauce
It certainly sounds healthy, and the researchers can argue that every single ingredient present is there for a reason: from Omega 3 fish oils which are good for cholesterol, through protein for muscle mass, to walnuts which "contribute to the improvement of the elasticity of blood vessels". More here.

Your Refrigerator Will Thank You For Adorning It With These Stylish Magnets

Normally, refrigerator magnets are the exclusive territory of kitschy mementos of past vacation destinations, pictures of kids that may or may not be yours, and the jumble of random words you use to assemble hilarious sentences. But the supremely tastefulsnug.magnets, may usher in a new era of refrigerator art.

With the stack of rhombuses, you can form hexagons, create the illusion of 3D, or just experiment with color combinations. Like Swiss Miss says, it's probably something you can sink hours into (initially, at least). I can think of worse ways to spend $20. More here.

Mozilla's 'Junior' iPad Browser Prototype Keeps it Simple

Love your iPad, but hate Safari? Mozilla's Alex Limi can relate, it's "a pretty miserable experience," he says. So what's he doing about it? The prototype browser eschews the traditional address bar / tab layout in favor of a minimalistic, full screen experience, flanked by only two obvious toggles -- a back button, and a plus symbol that opens a menu containing favorites, recent pages and a URL / search bar. 

Other common options such as reload, forward and print are hidden away, but accessible. The idea is a simple browsing experience that's more fun, engaging and ergonomic. More here.

Jun 17, 2012

Will Microsoft show its own Windows 8 tablet on Monday?

Redmond's "major announcement" may be just around the corner, but mum's the word on Microsoft's lips. Still, that hasn't kept the rumor mill from churning, and the latest is just in: Microsoft's next slate may be built in-house. According to sources from The Wrap and AllThingsD, the firm is planning to introduce a Microsoft-built tablet, undercutting the efforts of third-party builders to more directly compete with the iPad. 

Rumors flit back and forth between the slate running the ARM optimized Windows RT, the full on x86 version of Windows 8 or both, separated by different models. Is Microsoft building its own army of tablets to go toe-to-toe with the iPad? We'll find out Monday -- hopefully, whatever the firm announces will last longer than the Zune. More here.

Apple and Samsung Have over 55 Percent of the Smartphone Space

ABI Research just estimated that, combined, the iPhone and Galaxy creators were responsible for more than 90 percent of the profits in the first quarter of 2012 -- mostly through carving out more than 55 percent of the total market share for themselves. We already know that only a handful of companies, like HTC, were making any kind of profit at the same time; ABI, however, has underscored just how much of a mountain Nokia has to climb to reclaim its glory days. For Nokia to completely make up for Symbian's decline, shipments of Lumia phones will have to jump a staggering 5,000 percent this year. The Finnish phone maker is certainly hopeful, but with the 80 percent growth rate in China mostly being led by locals like Huawei and ZTE. More here.

Jun 16, 2012

Stylish Briefcase BBQ Turns Meetings Into a Cookout

Got a big presentation to give to the board but haven't prepared one bit? They won't even notice your complete lack of research if you show up carrying a briefcase that unfolds into a compact grill.

The $52 Darwin Triangular BBQ doesn't quite have the same capacity as your backyard griller at home, but you can still squeeze at least four burgers onto it at one time. Just don't forget to fill your suit jacket pockets with charcoal briquettes ahead of time, and when you're done feasting, it's probably best to let the whole thing cool down before slinging it over your shoulder. Otherwise, you can skip spending the night before making a lengthy slide presentation. The only projections your boss really cares about is when their mesquite chicken will be done. More here.

Make a Cut in a Shady Box with a Pair of Light-Up Dikes

Diagonal-cutting pliers, known in the electrical trades as dikes, often do their work in the shadowy recesses of a junction box. Ever clipped the wires to hook up a new ceiling fan? You can't see a thing!

That's why the introduction of an LED is a welcome gimmick on these new pliers from Craftsman. The pair comes in a set alongside a pair of needlenose pliers. Those have a light, too. Handy, but not as essential. Most of their work happens in broad daylight, and even during those pliers' dark double duty as a roach clip, man, you've got the lighter right there anyway. More here.

Why Apple Stores Tilt the MacBook Pro Exactly 70 Degrees

If you thought Apple squeezes all those dollars out of your based on product and design alone, you're giving them too much credit.

Carmine Gallo, writing for Forbes, reports on an interesting bit of consumer-behavior mindfuckery the stores employ, specifically to seduce you into a love affair with their products—the MacBook Pro with retina display, in particular. Each morning, Apple Retail employees use an iPhone app as a level to ensure each screen is titled to exactly 70 degrees.
The main reason notebook computers screens are slightly angled is to encourage customers to adjust the screen to their ideal viewing angle-in other words, to touch the computer! ... Apple wants you to see the display for yourself and to experiment with apps and web sites to experience the power and performance of the devices.
It is for the same reason, Gallo explains, that the Apple Retail Stores let you spend unlimited time playing with the devices and browsing the internet, without any pressure to leave. More here.

Jun 15, 2012

Mysterious Electric Blue Clouds Appear Again Over the Poles

Every year around this time, mysterious electric blue clouds appear over the North and South pole. They are called noctilucent clouds and they can only be seen in deep twilight, when the Sun is below the horizon. According to NASA, "their origin is still largely a mystery":
Various theories associate them with meteoric dust, rocket exhaust, global warming—or some mixture of the three.
They are the highest clouds, located almost on the edge of space at 54 miles (85 kilometers) from the Earth's surface, in the mesosphere. They are very difficult to observe, but they appear as white and blue tendrils when they are illuminated by the Sun and the rest of the atmosphere is in our planet's shadow.

These were photographed by Brian Whittaker at 35,000 feet, on a flight from Ottawa to Newfoundland. More here.

First-Ever Mixer and Crossfader Dates Back Over a Century

In 1910, the French engineer Leon Gaumant demonstrated his sound-and-film synchronizing Chronophone system at the Gaumant Palace—a 5,500 seat reconstruction of the Hippodrome, which was at the time Europe's largest movie theatre—in Paris, FR.

At the time, moving pictures with synchronized sound were limited in length by the playing time of a gramophone records—the longest was 200ft, at 16 frames-per-second.

Gaument's Chronophone had two gramophone platters, between which a deft operator could switch back and forth—a clever solution! More here.

Microsoft Is Maybe, Possibly Launching Its Own Tablet Device Next Week

Mashable is posting about what is being called a credibly rumor of a Microsoft-made tablet, running Windows RT (a version of Windows 8), intended to rival Apple's iPad.

This is a big deal, maybe!
Hollywood blog The Wrap cites "an individual with knowledge of the company", who claims the software giant would be "making a foray into a new hardware category that would put the company in direct competition with rival Apple" - tablets.
Previous attempts at a Microsoft-branded tablet have been unsuccessful and short-lived. The most recent was killed before it even got out the gate, right around the initial launch of the earliest iPad.

If the rumors are true, this Microsoft tablet will be entering a climate of already-stiff competition. More here.

Jun 14, 2012

Windows 8 Has Deep Integration With Facebook, Twitter, Google

As part of its Windows 8 Consumer Preview, Microsoft has been releasing a small selection of apps for testing. One, called People, seems particularly interesting, acting as an OS-wide social and contact tool that integrates with Facebook, Twitter and Google, amongst others.

The cloud-based app is designed to keep contacts in order, sure, by syncing details from a glut of online address books. But it also lets users view and interact directly with their Facebook and Twitter accounts, retweeting posts or liking statuses, from within the app itself. The app is also designed to sync data from Exchange, Google and LinkedIn, and has a built-in conflict management system—a little like Windows Phone—which attempts to collate contact data. More here.

Shroud Your iPod Nano In This Adorable Little Black Book

If you're bored of wearing your iPod Nano on your wrist, or on your head, or wherever else, why not wrap it up in its own little handcrafted book that you can tuck away in the miniature library that is your pocket?

This adorable little iPod nano case is the smallest member of PQ's range of Little Black Books and it's rather predictably called the Littlest Black Book. It's made of a tiny wooden frame, which is leather bound, and it features a little book plate and ribbon, too. More here.

Do You Care if The Best Laptop Ever Is the Most Impossible to Repair?

The Retina Pro's unified construction not only means damage to the screen requires replacing an entire half of the computer, it means you'd have to risk destroying the entire thing to make changes. The RAM? Soldered to the motherboard. The hard drives? Proprietary and impossible to change.

With upgrading memory and hard drive space the two most common jobs you can do on a laptop, does the fact that these are now impossible make the Retina Pro less attractive to you? Would fabulous performance and the greatest screen in computing history compensate for Apple blocking you from upgrading your rig and requiring professional repairs to it? Or does it just look like an aluminum venus fly trap?

Jun 13, 2012

Why Smart People Are Actually Dumb

The human brain is a weird old thing. When confronted with a new, uncertain situation, it virtually always abandons careful analysis, and instead resorts to a host of mental shortcuts—that almost always lead to the wrong answer. Turns out, the smarter you are, the more likely you are to make such mistakes.

A new study, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, suggests that you can be insanely intelligent, and still fall foul when it comes simple problems because of deviations in judgment—which are known as "cognitive bias".

To work all this out, a team of researchers form the University of Toronto gave 482 students a questionnaire of classic bias problems to complete. An example question runs along the lines of:
A bat and ball cost a dollar and ten cents. The bat costs a dollar more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?
If you're rushing, you might blurt out that the ball costs ten cents. It doesn't: it costs five. If you got it wrong, your brain made some shortcuts if thought made sense, but abandoned math along the way.

The researchers also measured a phenomenon called "anchoring bias", but what they were really interested in assessing was how the biases correlated with intelligence. So, they interspersed tests with with cognitive measures, like S.A.T. and Need for Cognition Scale questions.

Turns out that intelligence makes things worse, too. Writing in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology they explain that "more cognitively sophisticated participants showed larger bias blind spots." In fact, that finding held across many different biases, and individuals who deliberated longer seemed to be even more susceptible to making mistakes. Double dammit.

So what's going on? Why are smart people seemingly so dumb some of the time? Sadly, nobody really knows. The best hypothesis yet suggests that it's tied up with the way we perceive ourselves and others. Basically, the way we process information, so some researchers suggest, makes it far easier for us to spot biases in other people than it is for us to notice ourselves making the exact same mistakes. More here.