
Jul 2, 2012

Would You Use This Curved Keyboard?

WMPowerUser is reporting that Microsoft's research team is working on this curved software keyboard, leaked from an internal presentation. It even speculates that it might be made available in Windows Phone 8.

It's clearly designed for single-handed use, following the arc of the thumb across the screen and presumably using predictive algorithms to make up for what would surely amount to a lot of mistakes. Whether it's real or not is, of course, up for debate, as is the validity of the concept. I think it's a neat idea in theory, but that in reality it would be hateful to work with. More here.

Jul 1, 2012

Users Reporting BBM Down, Joins Instagram in Being Less Social

First Netflix, then Instagram, now BBM? There are reports along with plenty of Twitter noise that the popular BlackBerry service has headed south. This makes for one heck of an anti-social weekend if you're a photo-sharing, BBM-er for sure. More here.

Check out the response:
Today, we experienced a service issue which may have affected some of our customers in certain parts of Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Some minor issues relating to browsing and BlackBerry Messenger may still persist, but all other services are operating as normal. We apologize to any customers in these regions who may have been inconvenienced.

Jun 30, 2012

This Combo Trackpad-Mouse Combo Is Either Twice As Awful or Half As Good As a Regular Mouse

There's no way Gigabyte's Xenon Dual Mode Touchpad Mouse, that is a trackpad and mouse in one combination, can be any good, right? The mouse looks like a complete horror show, like using an angular Magic Mouse, and the trackpad looks neutered and drooping. I don't believe.

Gigabyte says that the Xenon is world's first dual mode touchpad/mouse action, which seems sort of cool but probably foreboding on why this Frankenmouse didn't exist before. Still, there are possible use cases: balancing the touchscreen friendly Windows 8? Dabbling in some multi-touch before needing the accuracy of the mouse's 1000dpi mouse tracking? Being bipolar about mouse and trackpads?

The Xenon is pretty cheap at $40 but I can't help but think it's either ruining two independently good things or combining together to create awfulness. Works with PC, not with Mac. More here.

Jun 29, 2012

A Self-Heating Butter Knife: Genius or Overkill?

The knife, designed by Warburtons, heats up to 41.8 degrees Celsius, powered by AA batteries in the handle - and melts the butter just enough to spread smoothly, without gouging holes in the bread.

A button on the handle activates the battery-operated heating element and a flashing LED indicates it is on. The prototype can spread a slice of bread in 30 seconds - although it's not clear when or if it will be released, or how much it will cost.

At first, I thought that this electric butter knife—which heats itself to an optimum temperature (41 degrees celsius) in under 20 seconds—was nothing more than a frivolous byproduct of first-world culture. But the more I think of my epic struggles with a cold stick of butter sometimes, the more I think I like it.

The World’s Smallest 4K Camera Fits in the Palm of Your Hand

4K resolution video will be the next big technological leap as far as film and television goes. But it doesn't take a massive, expensive camera like the RED Epic to shoot 4K resolution video. In fact, Point Grey's Flea3 webcam—equipped with a Sony Exmor R sensor—is up to the task but is hardly bigger than an inch in any direction.

The technical feat here is that the camera is able to push video to any compatible, USB 3.0-equipped device in real-time—something that requires a fair amount of bandwidth. Obviously, resolution isn't everything, and you probably won't be shooting cinematic masterpieces with this diminutive beast, but if you need a little extra size and clarity from your image, this might do the trick. Though at $945, the only interested parties might be businesses with video conferencing and surveillance needs. More here.

Jun 28, 2012

Do You Still Wear a Watch?

Watches are, for the most part, a redundant technology. We have digital timekeepers in front of our faces pretty much all the time. And yet, the watch still persists—because of tradition, an appreciation for fashion and design, or straight up novelty. So why do you have a watch on your wrist ?

Jun 27, 2012

Nanoscale Microwave Transmitters Will Transform Your Phone

To pump out all the radio-frequency signals that let you make phone calls and consume the internet wirelessly, your phone uses small chunks of silicon to create microwaves. Science had pushed the little things as far as they could—but now a nanoscale version promises to make your phone smaller, cheaper and better-performing.

A team of UCLA scientists has developed a microwave oscillator that uses the spin of electrons, rather than the more conventional charge, to create radio-frequency waves. While that might not sound particularly impressive, it brings with it some major benefits.

First off, it means the oscillator can be 10,000-times smaller than those that are used at the moment. That is a pretty amazing leap in size, and it means that the devices will finally make their way on to integrated circuits—as their size and design is compatible with current chip manufacturing standards.

They also create much sharper frequency outputs. In turn, that means more data can be crammed into the same bandwidth from a device using such technology, and that there's less noise so they provide a cleaner voice and video signal.

Unlike many of these kinds of technological leaps, there's no obvious barrier which could get in the way of the science being translated directly into practice. But you can certainly expect somewhat of a wait before it makes its way off the researcher's bench and into your phone. More here.

Jun 25, 2012

Curly Hot Dog Roasters: A More Refined Take on Your Childhood Summers

For $22 you can recapture some of that childhood nostalgia in a more refined way. Made from stainless steel, the roasters have a playful, pigtail screw on the end where you stick your sausage. They're 34-inches long, so you're not going to burn yourself, and they come with a leather carrying strap. It's quite the upgrade from the improvised campfire tools of your youth. More here.

Scientists Create Wi-Fi That Can Transmit Seven Blu-ray Movies Per Second

If you think your home Wi-Fi connection is fast, think again. Scientists have been working on a new way to transmit data wirelessly, and they can now transfer a scorching 2.5 terabits of information per second.

That's over eight times faster than Verizon's fastest wired home internet connection, FiOS, that only manages a paltry 300Mbps. Or, to put it in real terms, it's the same as transmitting seven full Blu-ray movies per second. Basically, this shit is crazy fast.

The team of American and Israeli researchers have used a neat new concept, where the electromagnetic waves that usually carry data are twisted into vortex beams. ExtremeTech describes the concept well:
These twisted signals use orbital angular momentum (OAM) to cram much more data into a single stream. In current state-of-the-art transmission protocols (WiFi, LTE, COFDM), we only modulate the spin angular momentum (SAM) of radio waves, not the OAM. If you picture the Earth, SAM is our planet spinning on its axis, while OAM is our movement around the Sun. Basically, the breakthrough here is that researchers have created a wireless network protocol that uses both OAM and SAM.

The combination of the two provides some amazing possibilities. So far, the researchers, from University of Southern California, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and Tel Aviv University, have twisted together eight data streams, each operating at 300 Gbps, to achieve the new record of 2.5 terabits per second. At the moment, they've only transmitted signals as far as 1 meter. That should be scaled up before long—though the researchers admit 1 kilometer is probably an upper limit.

What's perhaps most interesting is that the technique can be used to twist together an awful lot of slower data connections.

Of course, all that remains is for the team to develop the technology into something robust enough to use on a commercial scale—and there's no telling how long that might take. More here.

Jun 24, 2012

Was This Indestructible Axe Made By the Same Craftsmen Who Created Thor’s Hammer?

The best feature of this seemingly indestructible fiberglass-handled hatchet isn't that you can repeatedly drive a tractor over it without snapping the handle. No, it's that the axe can be used by anyone with $30 to spare—unlike Thor's hammer which can only be wielded by the mythical hero of Norse legend.

The reinforced fiberglass composite handle on this axe is not only light and durable, it's also molded to the drop-forged steel blade so that when you're in the heat of battle against firewood, there's no risk of it flying off the handle—literally. In fact, the hatchet is so tough it comes with a lifetime warranty, so if you do somehow manage to break it, a replacement is just a phone call away. More here.

D-Link Unveils Cloud Router 1200 and 2000 in Tube Form

One of the biggest appeals for us in D-Link's new Cloud Router 1200 and 2000 is that tube shape, which is a nice break from the amorphous blobs we're used to as our WiFi routers. Not to say that there aren't convincing technical reasons to like them. Both will let you remotely administrate the 802.11n router's devices from an Android or iOS app, and they both carry four gigabit Ethernet jacks as well as a USB port for some network media storage.

The differences lay exclusively in the wireless support, where the single-band 1200 caters to the frugal set at 300Mbps and the simultaneous dual-band 2000 hums along at 600Mbps. Thankfully, the prices of the just-shipping access points are both about right for what you get: the Cloud Router 1200 is a cheap and cheerful $60, and the 2000 won't strain the wallet much more at $100. More here.

Jun 23, 2012

Unbreakable Silicone Plates Inspired By Tropical Leaves

They're durable enough to withstand even a trip through the microwave, dishwasher, or even your oven. And besides creating an enchanting tropical feel at your next get-together, designer Nao Tamura's creations can be easily rolled up and crammed in a drawer for storage. But at $80for a set of four, you better make sure none of your guests toss one in the compost bin when they're done eating. More here.

The World’s Smallest iPhone Charger Skips The Cables Altogether

If you're a loyal iPhone user you're probably used to toting around its charging adapter and cable just in case. Apple has done a good job at making it tiny, but by cutting the cord, the JuiceBuddy looks even easier to pocket.

Like the iPhone's included charger, the JuiceBuddy packs a pair of fold-away prongs that allowing it to be plugged directly into an outlet. And hidden beneath a cap on top is the standard dock connector used by iOS devices, letting you then connect your iPhone or iPod Touch. Although, that design means it's really only going to work best when plugged into a wall outlet, so your iOS device can then perch atop the JuiceBuddy. Using it with a powerbar could be a bit of a challenge.

But for just $25—available in red, white, black, or silver—it's a nice alternative to Apple's offering when traveling. And removing the keychain portion reveals a standard USB 2 port allowing you to charge other devices as well. So it just might replace all of the charging gear you usually have to pack. More here.

Sony Patent Filing for Glasses Would Share Data Face to Face

Google might not realize it, but Project Glass isn't alone in the patent race these days. Sony has quietly applied for a patent on a familiar-looking smart glasses system whose advantage over Mountain View would be an emphasis on things in twos. Eyepieces are the most obvious, but Sony is also keen on sharing data between two friends: transmitters on a pair of glasses would send personal info through a likely very uncomfortable glance at someone else with the same eyewear. 

If your friends are more than a little weirded out from sharing by staring, the proposed glasses could still pick up information from visual tags on posters, products and virtually anything else. There's even the obligatory connection to a watch for sharing data with the rest of the world. More here.

Jun 22, 2012

Brilliant Spinning Heatsink Cools CPUs 30 Times More Efficiently

Most computers use a two-step process to cool the CPU. First, a heat exchanger pasted to the processor draws the warmth away. And then a combination of a heatsink and fans dissipate it away from the PC. But by merging those two steps into one, this spinning cooler ends up being greater than the sum of its parts.

The Sandia Cooler was developed by the Sandia National Labs who do enough research to know a thing or two about how to effectively cool a computer. The most interesting aspect of the cooler is that it doesn't attach directly to the CPU using thermal paste—which isn't possible given it's always spinning. Instead, it sits a mere thousandth of an inch above the processor, which creates what's called an air bearing that's actually just as efficient at transmitting heat.

And as the heat moves from the CPU to the cooler, it's almost immediately blasted away via a series of fins spinning at 2,000 rpm. As a result, Sandia claims the system is at least 30 times more efficient at cooling a processor than traditional heatsink and fan methods.

And not only is it also far quieter, but the blades are spinning far too quickly to ever collect dust. So while it lets you safely overclock your system, it's also automatically keeping it clean at the same time. And maybe that's the real innovation here.

Keep Your Coat Hanging on by a String

Tired of running into your laundry with the vacuum because your clothes are strewn about the floor? Even if you buy a rack to hang them on it's still going to be in the way, unless the rack itself happens to be hanging just off the ground.

Veronika Wildgruber and Susanne Stofer's amusingly named Wardrope comes with all the hardware you'll need to suspend it from your ceiling, as well as four adjustable hooks that slide up and down its length. A weight at the bottom stops it from swinging around too much, and for around $87 you can get it in a variety of color combinations. Just go easy on the thick winter coats, backpacks filled with text books, or Tarzan impersonations, because the rack's only rated to support about 30 pounds. More here.

SSDs Cost Half as Much as They Did in 2011, So It’s Time to Upgrade

While last years Thailand floods saw the cost of HDDs skyrocket, the price of solid state drives has been slowly dropping. In fact, since early 2011 prices have dropped on average by 46 percent.

Tech Report has taken a long and thorough look at the changing prices of SSDs, and the news is good: the drops in price has been steady, but significant. That's largely thanks to healthy, if aggressive, competition between big players in the market. Except on the part of Intel, which has shied away from discounting its drives.

While such competition shows no signs of stopping, that in itself is no reason to put off upgrading much longer. If you've been telling yourself you'd switch to SSD when it got cheaper, well, it did get cheaper. More here.

Jun 21, 2012

The Galaxy S III Is Trying So Hard It Catches Fire

The new Samsung Galaxy S III is a great phone that's just trying too hard. So hard, in fact, that it's bursting into flames under the pressure.

Engadget is reporting a case of the phone catching fire while being used in an in-car holster. Apparently the device sparked into white flames, before making a loud bang. What's left is a pretty substantial burn and a reasonable amount of molten plastic. Fortunately, nobody was injured. Samsung has since announced:
"Samsung is aware of this issue and will begin investigating as soon as we receive the specific product in question. Once the investigation is complete, we will be able to provide further details on the situation. We are committed to providing our customers with the safest products possible and are looking at this seriously." More here.

The World’s First Remote-Controlled (LED) Light Bulb

Don't you hate getting all bundled up under the covers, your pillows in the perfect scrunch position under your head, only to realize you didn't turn out the lamp on the opposite end of the room and there's no way you'll be able to sleep with that bright bulb shining in your eyes all night? I do.

Luckily for everyone, INSTEON, manufacturers of the best-selling and most reliable home-automation technology today, have come up with the perfect way to avoid finding yourself in the predicament ever again: the world's first remote-controllable LED light bulb.

The 60W, $29.99 bulb can be dimmed via a remote control available for both iOS and Android. As soon as the bulb is screwed in, its unique network address (which is printed on the bulb itself) is instantly recognized by the INSTEON network (or any nearby devices)—which means you'll be able to easily swap bulbs out without having to go through an annoying linking process. More here.

Jun 20, 2012

These Pixelated Glasses are the Definition of Computer-Geek

Paris-based eyewear designer Dzmitry Samalgives a whole new meaning to the idea of so-called hipster glasses, with his pixel-inspired "5DPI" frames.
These futuristic glasses have been designed with a pixelated effect, deliberately reflecting society's fascination with an "informational aesthetic". The design clearly refers for late 1980s computerized graphics and video games such as Tetris. While computer images and graphics have been revolutionized over the past two decades, these glasses are reminiscent of society's digital roots and how technology has inspired
almost everything in use today. Even something as utilitarian as glasses can be transformed using technology. Patented model.
The frames (approx. $378) are hand-made in France, using the most current technology and can be fitted with either 100% UV protection solar frames or translucent lenses. They can be order online here.