
Jul 11, 2012

The World’s Most Aerodynamic Triathlon Bike

Often in athletic competitions an athletes biggest advantage comes from their gear. So if you're a cyclist after a first place finish, Cervélo's P5 triathlon/time trial bike has been designed and engineered to be the most aerodynamic ride on two wheels.

To ensure the bike slips through the air with as minimal resistance as possible, Cervélo has gone to great lengths to minimize drag. Including hiding every single wire and cable inside the P5's curvaceous frame, and using unique surface finishes on different parts of the bike to optimize airflow. And since the P5 is designed for longer competition rides, there's even streamlined spots for stashing water bottles and snacks.

Cervélo claims the engineering improvements made to this version of the bike could result in shaving up to 30 seconds off of a 25-mile ride, which could easily mean the difference between a medal and just finishing the race. And while at $6,000 it's definitely far more expensive than a Schwinn, as far as professional racing bikes go it's a downright bargain. More here.

Bits Stored on a Single Molecule Could Lead to Petabyte SSDs

If there's one fact of computing life, it's that there's never enough storage, and if you think it's bad now, just wait 'til you're downloading 4K movies. Still, research is at least keeping up, and now scientists can store bits of information on single molecules—which could pave the way for petabyte SSDs.

The project, undertaken at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, saw researchers embed a magnetized iron atom into an organic molecule made up of 51 atoms. The idea is that the organic shell protects the information stored in the central atom, while its magnetization allows data to be stored.

In fact, by applying current to the molecule, it's possible to flip the lone atom's magnetic charge, altering the resistance of the molecule. Subsequently measuring its resistance allows the researchers to read the state of the atom, and then change it again and again. That process means the molecule is capable of storing a bit of data. The result is published in Nature Communications.

Typical magnetic drives currently need 3 million atoms per bit so, in theory, a device made using these new molecule bits could pack in 50 thousand times as much data in the same size. That's the same as having a standard SSD capable of storing petabytes of data.

Except, it's not quite that easy. You'd have to find some way of addressing each and every molecule in the drive, which is an insane idea. In reality, a device would include so much circuitry that—even using nanowires—it wouldn't offer quite the capacity boost that reasoning promises.

The concept, however, could well inspire similar techniques that could be used to shrink current SSD technology by orders of magnitude. So the petabyte SSD might not be quite as ridiculous as you first thought. More here.

Jul 10, 2012

Tiny Charging Cable Keyring Juices Androids and iPhones Alike

Carrying around a charging cable is a fact of life if you use your smartphone for more than just the occasional call. But instead of packing the bulky cables that came with your iPhone or Android handset, just slip this tiny USB adapter onto your keychain for emergency battery top-offs.

In addition to a 30-pin dock connector for the iPhone, the iBattz also includes a microUSB adapter for charging most Android handsets from a laptop or a PC. It's also got a microSD slot turning it into a miniature card reader or external storage device. And last but not least, a pop-out pin for removing the iPhone's SIM card tray. More than enough functionality to justify its$30 price tag, particularly the first time it saves you from a deceased battery. More here.

This Bowl Will Always Be Exactly the Size You Need it to Be

The Stretchy Bowl is the easy-to-store fruit basin that never wants to disappoint. Composed of a white metal base (which requires minimal assembly) and a matching metal hoop wrapped in a layer of breathable, elastic fabric, this bowl is always the right size to accomodate your haul of produce.

As you add more fruit to stretchy fabric disk, the bowl deepens. Without anything in it at all,HooknLoop's Stretchy Bowl ($59, with your choice of red, blue, or gray fabric) can be stored flat. So convenient! More here.

Jul 9, 2012

Foxconn Fanless Nano PCs get Priced, Dated and Tweaked

The giant manufacturer recently made them official, detailing a few unexpected tweaks in a Russian language press release. Now decked out in a sleek black finish, the nettops will sport the same I/O, but one image courtesy of FanlessTech hints that DVI might be thrown into the mix despite lacking a mention in the official press release. The AT-5250 model won't be walking the Cedar Trail with an Atom D2700 as originally planned -- instead, its sights are set on a 1.86 GHz D2550. On the other hand, the AT-5600 will pack a Radeon HD 6320 alongside the anticipated AMD E450 APU. Surpassing their presumed sub-$200 price tag, they're set to ring up at $260 and $280, respectively, when they launch this September. More here.

Scientists Find Molecule That Will Make Your Teeth Cavityproof

Scientists have discovered a new molecule that will make your teeth cavityproof and may change dental care forever. They have appropriately named it Keep 32—for your 32 teeth—and it can kill the bacteria that produces cavities in 60 seconds flat.

José Córdoba—a researcher at Yale University—and Erich Astudillo—from the Universidad de Santiago, Chile—claim that this molecule can be added to any dental care product, from toothpaste to mouthwash. In fact, they say it can be added to anything, even candies and chewing gum.

As long as the product stays in your mouth for 60 seconds, it will eliminate the dreadfulStreptococcus Mutans, making your tooth cavity proof for a number of hours.

They started the research in 2005 and now they are aiming to have this product in the market in 14 to 18 months. Once they go through human safety trials in the United States, they want to license the patent to dental care manufacturers like Colgate or Procter & Gamble, as well as companies like Hershey's or Cadbury.

If the Evil League of Dentists don't kill them first, that is. More here.

Jul 8, 2012

Dracula, The Mummy and six Other Horror Classics Coming in a Blu-ray set October 2nd

Universal Classic Monsters: The Essential Collection will arrive on shelves October 2nd, and pack eight classic horror movies, all restored so they can be seen in the highest quality possible. Among the releases is Creature from the Black Lagoon restored for Blu-ray 3D (yes, like Dial M for Murder it was originally shot and released in 3D back in 1954), as well as Dracula, Frankenstein, The Mummy, The Invisible Man,Bride of Frankenstein, The Wolf Man and Phantom of the Opera. 

This is all a part of the ongoing Universal centennial celebration that's seeing its vaults unleash many of our favorites for the first time in high definition. Of course, the downside of a pack like this is that it's pricey -- the MSRP is $160, but it's available for preorder on Amazon currently priced at $112. More here.

This Skateboard Ceiling Fan Does 900s All Day Long

Over at Notcot's experimental studio they wanted to find a novel way to liven up the boring ceiling fan that hung over their heads. And since they were fans of gleaming the cube, they decided to replace its wooden blades with skateboard decks.

The mod was surprisingly easy, simply requiring the decks to be drilled so they could be bolted to the ceiling fan's angled metal brackets. And even though the decks have a lip at the front and back, the final mounted results were still properly angled to provide a refreshing downdraft. A word of advice if you're thinking of tackling the same DIY mod on your own fan, though. If you're recycling a used deck make sure to remove the skateboard's trucks and wheels first since the added weight would probably burn out the fan's motor well before this heatwave passes. More here.

Jul 7, 2012

Wireless Power Transferred Through Thick Concrete Could Mean Electric Cars That Charge While You Drive

One of the biggest issues preventing the electric car from taking over the roads is their incredibly limited battery life. But researchers at the Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan have demonstrated a new system that could let electric cars constantly recharge while they're being driven.

Their research has resulted in a system that's able to transfer somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 to 60 watts of electricity through almost 4 inches of concrete, allowing the power source to be safely buried beneath a roadway. And specially adapted tires which are wired into a vehicle's power system could then harness that electricity and use it to top off the battery.

At the moment the system exists as a low-power proof-of-concept of the technology, and would require about 100 times more power to actually charge an electric car's battery while it was running. But they claim the components needed to ramp it up are cheaply available, and the system could even work with concrete layers almost eight inches thick if needed. More here.

Ice Cream Sandwich Consumed by One in Ten Android Devices

The latest Dashboard numbers for Google's Android operating system have been released. The verdict? One in ten devices is leveraging Ice Cream Sandwich as their mobile OS of choice. 

The numbers, which are current as of July, put Gingerbread (Android 2.3) in first place with a 64-percent install base; followed by Froyo (Android 2.2) with 17.3-percent and ICS with 10.6-percent. Jelly Bean (Android 4.1), announced just last week at Google's IO Developer Conference, was not included in this instance of the report (as it is not officially available yet). More here.

Jul 6, 2012

Are You Comfortable With Airlines Researching You on Google?

According to the London Evening Standard, British Airways is beginning a program in which employees google the faces of passengers for upcoming flights so that they may immediately greet them upon entry to the airport gate/airplane. Some feel this is an invasion of privacy. But is it really that big of a deal? More here.

How to Make Your iPhone Charge Wirelessly

Wirelessly charging your iPhone would be pretty great, but not with the dumb cases that inductive charging requires. That's why this mod from Tanveer is so great. A regular iPhone that charges when you set it down. The future!

Here's what you'll need, according to Tanveer, in addition to some serious soldering skills:
a steady hand
soldering tools
a spare charger port assembly
very thing gauge wire
a spare back cover
a wireless charger circuit (probably homemade from parts)
It's a pretty involved hack that will obviously void your warranty. You not only have to solder tiny wire to tiny pins, but you've got to add 1mm of give to an iPhone back panel. It takes some serious work, but for a 1mm-thicker iPhone that you don't have to plug in to charge? Kind of worth it. More here.

Jul 5, 2012

Samsung Announces 75-inch ES9000 Smart TV for Korea, With Similarly Gigantic Price Tag

Anyone looking to fill half of their lounge with Samsung LCD just got a new size to choose. In short, if you loved the LED-backlit display of the 55-inch model, you're going to adore the ES9000, which features the same smart TV brains alongside a retractable webcam unit housed on the top edge. The bezel is a mere 7.9mm and Samsung has decided to coat the frame in a gentle Rose Gold coating which.

That premium finish is matched by a premium price tag, however, and will hit checkbooks for 19.8 million won (around $17,450). Despite the UK appearance, retailer John Lewis (which hosted the event) couldn't confirm whether retail models would be coming to its stores in the future. But if you can afford 75 inches of TV, you can also afford a quick flight to Seoul to pick one up. More here.

Olympus’s Google Glasses Competitor Is Really Nothing Like Google Glasses

If you thought Google Glasses looked bad, Olympus's augmented reality specs will make you want to drop dead. The company today announced an awkward, wearable display prototype called Meg 4.0, although it's nothing like Google's version.

Weighing in at 30g, the Olympus model has a 320 x 240 floating screen on the lenses that connects to the wearer's smartphone or tablet using Bluetooth. Google's, meanwhile, are meant to be largely self-contained, not dependent on a tether to an existing device.

The Meg 4.0 supposedly boasts eight hours of battery life, though that's kind of a technicality—Olympus actually expects people to use the glasses in 15 second spurts about every three minutes, which according to someone's math, amounts to eight hours total. It also looks kind of like a Praying Mantis Olympus wants you to wear on your face. The glasses also have an accelerometer, so they can tell which way the person sporting them is facing. But they don't have a camera, which has been one of the main features Google thus far has used to advertise its nerd shades. More here.

Jul 4, 2012

Credit Card Fork

If you're the type who tries to maintain a constant state of readiness for any emergency, Devon Briggs' folding credit card fork will ensure you never have to resort to eating with your hands at a party or fast food joint.

Made from biodegradable plastic, Devon's flat-pack fork is designed to be an alternative to your standard plastic cutlery that's not only easier to ship, but also allows restaurants or other businesses to print their logo or advertising on it. And it's an easy way for anyone to carry a backup fork, whether they've run out at the BBQ you're at, or you just forgot to grab one when buying lunch. Not to mention its obvious uses for self-defense. More here.

How To Take Photos of Fireworks With Your Phone

It just wouldn't be the Fourth of July without the climactic boom of fireworks. If you want to keep that memory all year—or at least share it with all of your friends on Instagram—these tips will help you get lovely photos with your phone, even if you're not a pro.

Some people roll up to the fireworks with a tripod and a fancy DSLR. (If you're one of those people, this handy guide from PCMag should help.) But what if the only tool at your disposal is your smartphone?Here's how to take photos of fireworks that don't suck—no fancy apps or art school degree required.

• Pick a good spot in advance: Before the fireworks even start, you should try to get yourself in a good position: staying upwind of the fireworks will keep the smokey aftermath of previous blasts from gumming up your shot.
• Get steady: Remember, you're taking photos at night so a little bit of shakiness from slower shutter speeds can turn your photo into a blurry mess. Brace yourself against a picnic table or even sit down on the ground if possible. If you're in a crowd, get cozy with your neighbor for support.
• Frame before you shoot: Figure out where in the sky fireworks are blowing up and position your phone in advance. You don't want to chase the shot, you want your phone to be in the right place already.
• Use the AE/AF lock: Once your phone's in position, don't take your shot right away. On the iPhone and many Android phones tapping the screen locks in the exposure and focus for your shot. Use one firework for metering, and then take the photo of the next.
• Don't be afraid of portrait mode: Depending on the scenery and your perspective, both landscape and portrait photos might work well—heck even experiment with crooked angles to see what gets the best results.
• Don't zoom:  Fireworks are SO FAR AWAY but the digital zoom on camera phones is only an illusion. Don't use it. You can always crop the photo later.
• Keep it native: Speaking of later, third-party apps introduce additional lag to your phone's camera. Keep your timing sharp by using your built-in camera app, and upload it to Instagram later.

Jul 3, 2012

The Fireworks Laws of Every State

If you're looking to blow some stuff up tomorrow, it's probably a good idea to know what sort of fireworks you're "legally" allowed to use according to state law. This map will give you all the information you need to know on whether fireworks are legal, illegal or incredibly lame in your state.

American Pyro actually has detailed PDFs that list the specific rules for each state. You'll have to look at those because while some states are totally gung ho about fireworks, others force you to make do with twinkly sparklers (or force you to make a road trip to a neighboring state). It's important to note though, that fireworks laws can vary within the state (county to county, etc.). Just because California is cool with fireworks doesn't mean Beverly Hills is.

Anyway. Read up on your state's rules and plan accordingly. Freedom won't celebrate itself (though it kinda does). More here.

Scientists Have Finally Made Stretchable Circuitry

Bendable electronics are nothing new. But if you're after an electronic party trick, you're going to want to get your hands on a new breed of stretchable circuitry.

Elastic electronics are something engineers have been lusting over for a long ol' time. It's not hard to understand why: current constraints mean that most circuits are solid or, at best, slightly flexible. Imagine the possibilities if your conductors could stretch to many times their length.

The problem is, though, that when most conducting materials are stretched, their material properties change—in fact, their conductivity typically drops by factors of tens or hundreds. That makes them practically useless.

Now, a team from the McCormick School of Engineering has changed that by loading a polymer with liquid metal. They took the porous polymer material called poly(dimethylsiloxane), that can stretch to many times its original size. Then they placed a liquid metal called EGaIn inside the pores, in turn allowing electricity to flow consistently even when the material is excessively stretched.

The new material, which is discussed in an article in Nature Communications, can stretch to twice its length without any drop in conductivity. That makes it four times more extendable than any other elastic conductor ever made. More here.

Jul 2, 2012

You Can Ship This Stainless Steel Table In an Envelope

When buying furniture that's easy to ship, you usually have to compromise on design, stability, and even ease of use. But Studio Toer is offering the best of all worlds with these stainless steel tables that fit inside a shipping envelope when disassembled.

The Postable Table's modular design not only lets it squeeze inside shipping packaging usually reserved for letter mail, but by simply increasing the number of panels included it can serve as either a small coffee table, or something that's actually useful for work and dining.

It seems like the perfect way to furnish a home if you move around a lot, until you consider the price. The smallest and most 'affordable' version measuring just 23-inches long will cost you $190. While the more usable 70-inch model is a whopping $870. But thanks to their flat, foldaway design, shipping is just $20 all around the world. More here.

Would You Use This Curved Keyboard?

WMPowerUser is reporting that Microsoft's research team is working on this curved software keyboard, leaked from an internal presentation. It even speculates that it might be made available in Windows Phone 8.

It's clearly designed for single-handed use, following the arc of the thumb across the screen and presumably using predictive algorithms to make up for what would surely amount to a lot of mistakes. Whether it's real or not is, of course, up for debate, as is the validity of the concept. I think it's a neat idea in theory, but that in reality it would be hateful to work with. More here.