
Jul 25, 2011

Virgin Media Testing 1.5Gbps Internet for Lucky Londonites

Jealous of Comcast customers with their 105Mbps cable hook ups or those lucky residents of the Kansas cities relishing in Google's 1Gbps service? Well add Londonites to the list of people that drive you to indulging in one of the seven deadly sins. Virgin Media has finally started testing its DOCSIS2-powered1.5Gbps network in the heart of merry ol' England. Right now it's being enjoyed by a group of test sites around Old Street that also get a 150Mbps upload connection.

Virgin claims it's the fastest broadband in the world, which may be true if you're not counting lab experiments. The really good news is that it's based on the same tech already delivering 100Mbps to residents across the country so, if the trial goes well, it should be trivial to deliver these mind numbing speeds to the rest of its customers.


GMSoccerPicks said...

oh wow, thats fast hahaha

Mark said...

To quote the Simpsons, "Does anyone need that much porno?" (Seeing as such high speeds are probably going to cause a massive rise in porn downloads) I'm quite happy with the speed I already have, and I'm not even sure what that is. I don't like London enough to want to move there for the internet. I'll move to the internet for the internet though.

Homura said...

I want one. ;_;

Diego Sousa said...

why, God, why?!?!

Sub Radar (Mike) said...

Wow that's impressive... faster than the Korean connections? Too much interwebz.

Sinclair said...

Lucky bastards...

ChazWellington said...

oh the possibilities...

Electric Addict said...

i'd be happy with 25 mbps :( lol

MRanthrope said...

pretty soon you'll just be able to download an actual woman.

Unknown said...

D: Holy crap, I hope it comes to me soon, I live less than 20 miles out of London.

SoreLosersGaming said...

London is too expensive to justify living there. Hopefully they roll this out in Manchester soon!

ScottD said...


Miki said...

Wow I have fiber optic broadband and I thought 35mbps was alright!!

Charles Godfrey said...

I have 384KiB/s (3mbps) but it's usually capped at 128KiB/s (1mbps). I'd be happy if at least my connection weren't capped. 6mbps would be amazing. 1.5gbps would be nirvana.

ghostman49.5 said...

I'm not sure to what anyone could possibly do (legally) with a consistent 1.5 Gbps.

I would definitely like to try it out though, to see what I'm missing.

SamArmy said...

o0o fast :D