
Dec 20, 2010

TRON's Cross-Promotional Branding Madness Continues (Xbox Controller Edition)

Only 250 of these things were made to coincide with the release of TRON: Legacy, and will sell direct from PDP's website in "late December" for $50.


Shady said...

great post! i like this;)

cooperlife said...

that thing looks so sweet, I'd buy it even if it had nothing to do with tron... in fact, since I'm not too fond of the movie, I'd prefer if the "tron" part of it were removed.

Moogz said...

It looks ok, if the orange part glows i guess that would be pretty cool.

noog said...

you'd think it would be more expensive with only 250 units

Vapor said...

Looks cool enough.

Max said...

It'd be sweet to have, but $50..ugh.

P said...

Man they are taking over the airwaves and the netblades huh!

stm said...

can i buy a tron outfit to wear while i play?

Anonymous said...

Aren't the controllers usually $50? If I was in the market for a controller I'd probably at least look at this one, but since they only made 250 they'll probably be selling on ebay with the price way jacked up.

Suciô Sanchez said...

I'd like a glowing orange stripe on my equipment.

Yeneeko said...

Wonder if there is a blue version? I wasn't to fond of the orange color all during the movie, the blue always was the best.

G345t said...

Thats looks kickass

mind said...

you will never lost your remote again

mrecan said...

oh loved it
i want one

Mister Sharaf said...

looks spacey

Unknown said...

thats intense :D id pay ridiculous high prices for those controllers.