
Dec 20, 2010

Your Favorite Delicious Snacks Get a Minimalist Transformation

Product packages are often the design equivalent of having a hammer driven into your eyeballs. Buzzword-y text everywhere, disgusting color overload, and corny cartoon mascots. So why not strip it all away and let the thing's name speak for itself?

Design firm A2591 took popular tasty products and gave them a minimalist makeover. All the extraneous crap, scrubbed away. Each item gets two version—one with some of the orignal's elements left over. Beautiful typography. Simple, popping colors. Tasteful. Think Cornflakes, without a big goofy picture of cascading milk into a Grand Canyon-sized pit of cereal. We all know what Cornflakes are—we don't need the helpful illustration.
Of course, companies want their products to be as wackily eye-grabbing as possible so that our hands and wallets will do the grabbing next, but it's nice to imagine a world in which store shelves are visually appealing, instead of it looking like an ad agency projectile vomited.


whatshouldibuytoday said...

To be honest though, how a product packaging looks does make a difference in whether I notice it or not. Sometimes some product with a really boring label will go unnoticed when I go to the store, and I might've missed something good.

stm said...

i much prefer the minimalist packaging.

ToxicPuppy said...

The third image of the red bull actually looks the best - it's much less "busy."

DrQmn1 said...

3rd pics of both items look much better than 1st ones.

noog said...

i remember they tried doing this with tropicana and people got upset... so they changed it back...

Max said...

but in marketing, appearance can be as important as the product itself.

Monster Madness said...

I never cared much about Nutella as a kid ^^

Unknown said...

Nutella is amazing :D i mix it with ice cream :)

erics said...

they're definitely going in the right direction with this. it of course only works if their products are widely known. you might also want to check out 'muji', a japanese packaging design company that has the minimalism aspect going on, which is working quite well for them.

Suciô Sanchez said...

I prefer simplicity in the contents.
it's quite hard to, for instance, buy plain clothes in America.

I once popped into Trader Joe's looking for beer and nuts. The beer was cinnamon flavor and the preanuts were mango flavored. WTF?

Mistified said...

Yes the minimalist packaging sure look pleasing to the eye, but really what are the chances the companies would use them? They want to use the most eye-catching packaging, not the most eye-pleasing

Les said...

Always been a fan minimalism, and I'd love it if packaging took a step towards it. Not ever going to happen, though.

dmayne said...

really cool post lol

Major Mack said...

these products are all gross

Donkote said...

i actually kind of like the new nutella one

Pawawanpi said...

To be honest I don't think a minimalist approach to these items would work. People associate them already with a certain look and feel. If anything I think the middle one would be best if they wanted to transition or at least a good medium.