
Dec 19, 2010

Unlock the Door to Your Computer's Heart

USB drives have become cheap to the point of disposability. I think there are four lying underneath my bed like dust bunnies. So a drive has to be particularly eye-catching to make anyone care—like these 3D printed "keys.

It's not the smallest, or the highest-capacity, or the fastest. But it's easy on the eyes, and you could put photos of your crush on it and wear it around your neck! Actually, that would be sort of creepy.


Anonymous said...

I'm definitely a fan of how cheap USB drives have become (and will continue to become at ever higher storage capacities)

Moogz said...

these are very cute

Suciô Sanchez said...

Got a couple of these from Staples the other day. Very happy with the form factor.

ToxicPuppy said...

Wow these look like a lot of fun! It's impressive all the new ideas they come up with for USBs.

Zombie said...

These look nifty! :D

Pawawanpi said...

How cute <3
I wanna unlock the key to my computer heart, because our relationship is special.

Major Mack said...


Major Mack said...


MArk said...

I can't wait until they start making usb body implants

Anonymous said...

Those are very cool. You can put a usb drive in anything really. Just do a Google image search for novelty usb drives and you'll be amazed!

Sam said...

They key design is pretty nice for the idea behind it

000 said...

Those weird usb memories make it everywhere

SpringyB said...

Awww <3

cooperlife said...

I keep a USB drive of CP around my neck all the time. The send of risk and danger of openly wearing CP around my neck and the chance of getting caught drives me wild.

Bargain Hunter said...

I remember when 128mb USB's used to cost like...$150

Ante Babaja said...

haha cute :D

Tsipise said...

This is nice. These days you can find USB keys in any form.

Mister Sharaf said...

looks ok, but seems unpractical

Cobz said...

I would prefer one that looked like a keyblade but these are pretty hot! Doesnt hold a candle to the transformers drives :P

Max said...

From the ones i've seen, these are pretty ugly. I've seen much more attractive and creative drives.