
Dec 30, 2010

In the Future, We'll All Wear Clothes Made by 3D Printers

Designers are already using 3D printers to create textiles apparently. Fashion site Ecouterre has an article on the 3D printed clothes phenomenom, and the museum of Modern Art is exhibiting the Dutch designer Freedom of Creation's works already. 
It's not just the lure of having clothes that fit properly that's appealing for designers—3D printing also helps cut down on labor costs and could be seen as reducing waste.


Major Mack said...

In my future Ill wear nothing but a denim jockstrap and boots....oh and a hat

Brut said...

Pretty awesome idea.

G345t said...

Everyone knows it's the future when we start wearing the one piece jumpsuit made of sequence and we ride around on jet packs

Zombie said...

I dont want 3-D clothes people! I want my freakin jet packs and flying cars I was promised 11 years ago! >:(

Pawawanpi said...

I don't wanna wear clothes made by 3-d printers. Something about clothes being printed like that either somewhat urks me or slightly scares me for some unknown reason.

I think I fear clothing change.

Bargain Hunter said...

Interesting concept...

Les said...

Awesome! I'd use printed clothes now if I could. That would be so cool.

Anonymous said...

3d printers are the wave of the future! Before long, you won't be buying clothes in the store, you'll be printing them at home.

Anonymous said...

so we all just come into the stores, choose the style, get measured and bam! fit clothes?

mrecan said...

man computers are everywhere
i miss the good old fashioned handmade products already

Teutorix said...

Why? What's the point?

Suciô Sanchez said...

Maybe core memory will make a comeback.

World of Zero said...

You could print new clothes everyday! That would be so cool!

Poster said...

im wearing this shit right now.
its prety comfy :)

Monster Madness said...

Lol, cool. Happy new year :D