
Dec 30, 2010

WWF Is a New Green File Format That's Impossible To Print

The rabble rousers at the World Wildlife Fund (they re-named fake wrestling!) have created a new, PDF-type file format called WWF. It's a file format that CANNOT be printed out. The idea: save as WWF, save a tree.

WWF is currently only savable and readable on Mac, but a Windows version should be coming soon.


Les said...

It's a noble idea, but kind of pointless. Really, the only people who print our pdfs are the people who need too.

Vapor said...

Hulk Hogan would like to have a word with them.

SpringyB said...

So resave it as a PDF and print it anyways. It's counter productive since now you're using slightly more electricity.

Or something

Suciô Sanchez said...

All my posts are drafted as .WTFs

Major Mack said...

waste of time, if someone wants to print. theyll print if the dont the wont........

G345t said...

Does this format also prevent me from copy/pasting this into Word Perfect?
If not, well good try WWF but don't fire the crying Indian too soon. I have some unecessary printing to do in spite of your efforts.

Anonymous said...

Stupid idea

Anonymous said...

that's really dumb, really really dumb.

Teutorix said...

more like WTF