
Dec 31, 2010

Hoodie With Earbuds Instead of Strings Is Greatest iPod Accessory of All

Hoodies have strings around the neck, right? Have you EVER used those strings? Why you'd want to tighten a noose around your neck, I'll never know. The HoodieBuddie cleverly replaces the strings with earbuds; the pocket contains a 3.5mm jack.

All you need to do is whack your iPod into that 3.5mm jack, hiding in the front-right pocket, and you can listen to music without your wires getting tangled. Really, it costs $44. 


Teutorix said...

WoW good idea I never use those either

A Beer for the Shower said...

If only it had a pouch for a beer Camelbak, it would be perfect.

Jimmy Fungus said...

This is a really good idea. Besides those strings always confuse me... One string ends up being longer than the other one; then I pull on one string to even them out, but I pull too much...well, you get the picture...

LoneIslander said...

Finally, Something I can use.

RoodNverse said...

seems cool i like it you can listen to your Mp3 player in class now....

Suciô Sanchez said...

How do you wash it?

MRanthrope said...

that is awesome

erics said...

what a great concept. i'd buy that.