
Sep 27, 2010

Segway Company Owner Dies After Driving Segway Off Cliff

Just like the countless innovators, explorers and fine people killed in a Frankensteinian way by their own inventions, the current owner of Segway—not Dean Kamen—died yesterday after he rode off a cliff and into a river in England.

Jimi Heselden, aged 62, was found at 11.40am yesterday by the River Wharfe in North Yorkshire, with his X2 Adventure (pictured) by his side. Police believe that it was just a freak accident, with nothing suspicious about the man worth $262m falling to his death.

It's particularly poignant as his company had only just purchased the Segway company in December 2009. He sounded like a really nice guy according to reports, a chap who left school at 15 to work in the mines, but was fortunate enough to develop some interesting-sounding defense systems which made him millions.

He was one of those rare philanthropists who had given away millions to charity but didn't like to talk about it—at least £23m ($36m) in the last few years alone, it's thought.


ChaosReaper said...

Wow.. Sounds like a great guy and everything, and my thoughts/prayers go out to his family.. But DAMN is that ever ironic

Totalitarian said...

Segway offroad? Hillarious!

Michele said...

Cool man!
Nice post :D

Undertaker said...

That was quite a bit ironic indeed. However, RIP.

Teegs said...

Wow talk about irony, I feel for the family. RIP segway dude. showing my daily supp.

grizz said...

this is what irony is. :S

whatisthisidonteven said...

what a way to go. woah irony.

!Antibiootikum said...

are you serious :O???

roger said...

dang sucks he died. coulda been murder.
who drives a segway off a cliff?

RatsRunThisTown said...

Oh come on :| Ironic but sad

Galwarrior said...

R.I.P hope his family is ok

Siryn said...


thepigsmustdie said...

lol but sad.

Ankiseth said...

That blows...

Too bad the Segway doesn't quite stop as quick as advertised...


Mc Uncool said...

is that serious? wow.. what a shame.. i love those things :D

moxie said...


B. Heck said...

Oh wow, that sucks... But so do Segway's.

Uncle Nihilio said...

I just can't help but imagine the whoaaaa *splash*.

RoodNverse said...

thats F'd up

hunter time said...

thats crazy and sad. at least he did lots of good while he was still ehre

Oni said...

lol, i heard about this on the radio, how fast was this guy going 2 mph?
well i guess he had the same people make the accelerator as the toyota people, he suddenly accelerated to 3mph and ran off the cliff.

kmartsmartsuperstar said...

Man. That's too bad. Kind of a strange accident if you ask me.

Janus Kane said...

or 36b in canadian? :p Fucking hilairous though, awesome find mate. I especially like the mystery you added with his 'accident'.

-JKane, a leader who follows

Naj said...

whoa! ironic event.

Drackar said...

remember kids, don't drink and segway.

HiFi said...

What a tragedy:( RIP

Applelove said...

Like crashing of the cliff in a blaze of glory. Except without the fire or glory.

ShredGuitar said...

I like this, awaiting your next update!

Anonymous said...

you laugh, you go to hell.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's insane.

TheBizzleBop said...

Technically, this isn't ironic at all. Still sad though. He sounds like a stand-up guy, rather than just another fat cat jerk-off.

Anonymous said...

weird and hellarious

Crunky said...

ok, thats just wierd... if there be gods, they be fucking wif us...

JRam said...

Should of installed some seat belts. Yeah I'm terrible.

Lil Pee said...

wow.. that sucks. RIP

IsJasonCranky? said...

I thought this was quite funny until I heard about how charitable this guy was, not that I should base human life's value on voluntary contributions.

Still, the irony is tragic.

Unknown said...

is that serious? wow.. what a shame.. i love those things :
Hoverboard Seat