Jimi Heselden, aged 62, was found at 11.40am yesterday by the River Wharfe in North Yorkshire, with his X2 Adventure (pictured) by his side. Police believe that it was just a freak accident, with nothing suspicious about the man worth $262m falling to his death.
It's particularly poignant as his company had only just purchased the Segway company in December 2009. He sounded like a really nice guy according to reports, a chap who left school at 15 to work in the mines, but was fortunate enough to develop some interesting-sounding defense systems which made him millions.
He was one of those rare philanthropists who had given away millions to charity but didn't like to talk about it—at least £23m ($36m) in the last few years alone, it's thought.
Wow.. Sounds like a great guy and everything, and my thoughts/prayers go out to his family.. But DAMN is that ever ironic
Segway offroad? Hillarious!
Cool man!
Nice post :D
That was quite a bit ironic indeed. However, RIP.
Wow talk about irony, I feel for the family. RIP segway dude. showing my daily supp.
this is what irony is. :S
what a way to go. woah irony.
are you serious :O???
dang sucks he died. coulda been murder.
who drives a segway off a cliff?
Oh come on :| Ironic but sad
R.I.P hope his family is ok
lol but sad.
That blows...
Too bad the Segway doesn't quite stop as quick as advertised...
is that serious? wow.. what a shame.. i love those things :D
Oh wow, that sucks... But so do Segway's.
I just can't help but imagine the whoaaaa *splash*.
thats F'd up
thats crazy and sad. at least he did lots of good while he was still ehre
lol, i heard about this on the radio, how fast was this guy going 2 mph?
well i guess he had the same people make the accelerator as the toyota people, he suddenly accelerated to 3mph and ran off the cliff.
Man. That's too bad. Kind of a strange accident if you ask me.
or 36b in canadian? :p Fucking hilairous though, awesome find mate. I especially like the mystery you added with his 'accident'.
-JKane, a leader who follows
whoa! ironic event.
remember kids, don't drink and segway.
What a tragedy:( RIP
Like crashing of the cliff in a blaze of glory. Except without the fire or glory.
I like this, awaiting your next update!
you laugh, you go to hell.
Wow, that's insane.
Technically, this isn't ironic at all. Still sad though. He sounds like a stand-up guy, rather than just another fat cat jerk-off.
weird and hellarious
ok, thats just wierd... if there be gods, they be fucking wif us...
Should of installed some seat belts. Yeah I'm terrible.
wow.. that sucks. RIP
I thought this was quite funny until I heard about how charitable this guy was, not that I should base human life's value on voluntary contributions.
Still, the irony is tragic.
is that serious? wow.. what a shame.. i love those things :
Hoverboard Seat
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