
Sep 7, 2010

Justin Bieber Has Dedicated Servers at Twitter

Justin Bieber uses 3% of Twitter resources at any moment. According to a Twitter employee—talking to designer Dustin Curtis—Bieber has "racks of servers dedicated to him. I'm sure this will excite his haters even more.

Dustin confirmed to us that the tweet is not a joke, but it was told to him by the Twitter employee. Since Bieber is almost a perennial trending topic, I'm not surprised. Still, and given the 180 million unique visitors every month, that's quite an achievement.

What is really important, however, is this: Now, every time that whale pops, you will have one more reason to slap him. Also Justin Bieber is banned from Twitter's trending topics.


haybiebs said...

haha thanks, this is relevant to my blog.

Skyshock said...


Cryllis said...

Thats just ridiculous!
why does so many people like him!?

Movie Review said...

Next time they should throw something bigger then a bottle

MrSoup said...

My fear of hordes of pre-pubescent girls taking over the world is getting ever more closer to reality

Airmac said...

Awh :-/

Anyway, heres some daily love.

Bub said...

Supportin and followin

EdwardPrinceofWales said...

she kinda looks like a dude.
Its wierd.

TL1000R said...

You rage you lose?

The Loon said...

Wow. I barely even use that.

Walther said...

Just showing some daily support. Show some back please! :)

Ryan said...

3%! wtfman

Radacash said...

Is he a wizard? said...

3%!!! That is absolutely bonkers?!

TLX317 said...

twitter sucks anyway lol

Anon said...

What a waste of beautiful servers

chasityxo said...

damn thats insane

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i love that boy

Luis said...

Pretty silly if you ask me

Light Weight Baby! said...

love the site design!

Winchi said...

lol 3% of twatter thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaats aloooot i hate JB :(

Randy said...

LOOOOOL this made my day.

GamestarrArts said...

Wow... just wow... The kid is a joke and he can't even sing. I don't have anything against popstars, but he has NO TALENT.

Mike Cripps said...

god i hate him ~___~

nuttinbutapeanut said...

This Bieber is just...unbelievable...

Xanos said...

Shit, that's insane!

CHOxLARGE said...

The innanet has beiber fever.

Youtube Hilarity said...

God i hate Justin Bieber...

hmmmhm said...

catloaf is not a bieber fan

Jamarn said...

eh he looks like my lesbian friend lol

MTB111 said...

hahaha i lol'd

Absurdly Sentenced said...

Ridiculous ! v_v

Gordon said...

I hate him. But i love your blog.

John L said...

Lol. Nice.

A musician and gamer said...

oh my god

TheAntiSheep said...

I can't stand this little prick LOL...great post!

Cryllis said...

ahhh i cant believe people now adays

Collette Osuna said...

WHOA...those are incredible JB numbers...thanks for stopping by my blog today to say hello:) Very sweet of you!!

Statements in Fashion

Katie Greene said...

if given the chance, yes, i would set him on fire.

KC. said...

Bieber fever? Ew...he's like a child.

DailyDose said...

needs to be DerpDOS'd

Paige said...

Lol what? That's weird

Mutefox said...

Wow, another reason to hate Justin Bieber...I didn't think I'd be able to find another. Just dropping by to give my respect and support for a fellow blogger ;)

Nico said...


jerbearxi said...

Dear god. That's ridiculous. Follow?

hunter time said...

lol that somehow doesn't seem right

Mantooth said...

Sure, he's a little turd, but I don't know why everyone gets so upset over him. There's always gonna be some little pop star guy that gets too much attention. If it wasn't him, it'd be someone else

David Davidson said...

hahaha, wow.

Would never have expected that, even though he is very popular.

Keep up the good work, man!

InterestingBlogz said...

Showing some love. :)

Kevorkian said...

I Hope he dies in a fire.

Iban said...

You'd think 3%...not that much, but damn, considering the amount of tweeters, the kid has it flowing.
Anyway, hit back brother.
:) Following you proudly!

shirou said...


Sttppd said...

I don't see how people can like his music.

BIGPOPPA said...

Why do people like this kid?