
Sep 7, 2010

iPod Touch Said to Account for 38% of All iOS Devices Sold

Last week Steve Jobs patted Apple on the back and announced that 120 million iOS devices have now been sold, but according to market research company Asymco, the iPod Touchaccounts for 38 per cent of that figure.

How did Asymco arrive at that figure? It's guesswork, but they subracted the 59.6 million iPhones sold up to the end of the month of June (known because of SEC filings), and the 3.2 million iPads sold. They then figured that around 8 million iPhones and 4 million iPads were sold by Apple between July and August, resulting in 45.2 million unexplained iOS sales—which have been fingered as iPod Touch sales, and 37.7 per cent of that figure Jobs boasted of.

We do know that the iPod Touch is Apple's most successful iPod to date, having taken over from the iPod Nano, but Jobs' claim that "the iPod touch outsells Nintendo and Sony portable game players combined. It's been amazing" isn't looking quite so accurate after casting your eye over PSP and DS sales.


WakeOfBuzzards said...

DS reigns supreme!

IOnVash said...

I just found a good way to boost traffic to your blog.

This is a great tool and I think everyone should use it.

x said...


Showing support :)

Epic Fitness said...

I can't help but love all apple products.

Anonymous said...

thats quite interesting

g3000 said...

no matter how good it sells it's still a useless plastic thingy

David Davidson said...

Wow, that's impressive.

It thought it might have been something like 5%, lol

Savage Nugget said...

HAHA great post. :D

lolwuthellyes said...

very nicee

FIAIN said...

I love my ipod touch, the new ones are so sick

Jimmy Volmer said...

iPod touch is a waste considering you can get an iPad

Nau said...

I hate apple, but I kinda like iPod Touch, might even buy one.

MisterFlowzz said...

Stay fresh :) have a good day. remember to smile

Jellofighter said...

I hate Steve Jobs.

Zykei said...

lol Apple...

Oliver Williams said...

I love apple products. following.

haybiebs said...

wow didn't know the touch was that popular.

SeXiDeCiMaL said...

Nice :P

hamonrye said...

Steve Jobs is a tool. But the ipod is aight.

Killa ToFu said...

Showing some daily support, following you, hope you'll do the same!

Fine Fitness Foods said...

im fine with my garbage cell phone.

Anonymous said...

sweet 2 XD ^^

follow u ... follow me 2 ?


rockStar said...

ahh, awsomeness! <3

Slumph said...

oh wow, no wonder everyone and their gran has one!

AlphaDaily said...

great read, i just started a new blog that will turn you into a beast. i'll return the love for all who are interested :)

a Taoist Rover said...

I like the technology they are advancing, still trying to justify getting an iPad.

lulz88 said...

showin support

Garbanian said... hate it.

Jake said...


Jared said...

lulz, i love the ds

Basement Assassin said...


Anonymous said...


Follow me bros.

Emilie said...

This is a genius blog!!!! Apple is the best :)

thanks for visiting me!

kurina said...

this is really intresting
why dont you check on some funny comics on my blog.

Anonymous said...

wow. i have one and i love it I'll admit it.

Radacash said...

It would be funny if apple made a console.

KC. said...

Sounds about right from what I've seen. Everybody calls their 'MP3/4' player an iPod these days. Yesterday I actually heard someone refer to theirs as a "Samsung iPod." I loled.

Dilly Skates said...


tygerpops said...

thats fantastic!

Commsky said...

I still want one of these