
Jul 15, 2011

Where Are All The Girls On Google+?

According to information from Google+ stat trackers SocialStatistics and FindPeopleOnPlus, the new social network is dominated by men.

 And it's not even close — up to 86.8% of all Google+ users are male. This distribution is much different from Facebook which has a 50/50 split of male and female users.


Charles Godfrey said...

Google+ is still invite-only, isn't it? The people that want to try Google+ are usually heavy computer users. The women are content with FB for now; they'll only change if there's a real benefit besides "it's not FB".

Guys are probably using FB and G+. G+ to experiment with the UI and FB to look at the pictures of the ladies, haha.

Zombie said...

psh... everyone knows there are no girls on the internet. lol.

John said...

haha he's right man, no girls live on the web

Weastside007 said...

Google+ looks promising.

Anonymous said...

No real surprise there.

netw said...

yea I heard that this is quite a problem right now....

GMSoccerPicks said...

What Charles Godfrey said. Until it gets open and massive, dont expect to have a ton of girls there.

Viperman24 said...

+ is still invite only so only time will tell when more girls get it

Cornbread The Poohbear said...

I thought it was because people don't usually keep computers in the kitchen

Godotofwar said...

Makes sense... actually, Facebook is neutral ground while Google (in general) is mor for men, let's see when apple releases its social network

busticati said...

I've noticed this trend. Most of the girls I know don't even know about Google+. That, and they don't feel like entering all of their "About Me" information on another social networking site.

It's not all bad though. Now I don't have to look at "Going to the beeeeaaacccchhh" every two posts.

Shaw said...

Maybe google isn't sexy enough :\

Jon Dujaka said...

Because girls are more tech illiterate than men.

Dylanthulhu said...

This is why I see Google+ kind of becoming a "nerd" community, and why I see it not overtaking Facebook. Too small and specific of a userbase.

Sub Radar (Mike) said...

Really odd statistic, I think it's because usually computer buffs are quick to jump onto google apps, and computer buffs are usually men, although female computer buffs do exist!

AllWiredAdmin said...

Sounds about right to me. I have yet to wrangle an invite from anyone but I'll get on it soon enough.
But as for the statistics, yes, most women are happy with their Facebook and need not worry about an invite only service. Until it becomes fully public, this statistic will likely not change.

Illzior the Great said...

hahaha yah its a sausage fest

Sarahberry74 said...

The internet is only for Porn silly girls!

Electric Addict said...

interesting stat, i had no idea it was all males haha

gman said...

i for one have no problem with google + being male dominated.

Cameron said...

Probably just a fluke. I would imagine the difficult nature of getting into google+ would result in girls not bothering to get in. I mean, if you were in the middle of a facebook flame war would you bother signing into google?