
Oct 25, 2010

PSP2 Will Be Bigger, Out Fall 2011, Currently Overheating

Around the time of the Tokyo Game Show, Sony held a private meeting at its offices in Tokyo's Aoyama. The purpose was to show off the PSP2.

Several sources have confirmed to Kotaku that the PSP2 does have a previously rumoredtouch panel on the back of the hardware. The touch panel was described as looking like a big mouse trackpad. When Sony showed the PSP2, it did not provide concrete details regarding how the trackpad will be implemented in games and instead is leaving that to the discretion of game developers.

The screen itself is not only sharper than the current PSP's, but about an inch larger. The larger screen means that the PSP2 will be larger as well. In the private meetings, Sony is touting the screen as "HD".

A larger PSP should not be that big of an issue for Sony — especially in a mobile environment with large tablets like the iPad. It also shows that Sony realizes it is no longer simply competing with Nintendo, but also Apple.

It is unclear whether this is the same handheld described by the Wall Street Journal. According to the the paper, Sony is working on a device that mixes a game player, an e-book reader and a netbook computer. In late September, there were also reports that the PSP2 hardware was in the hands of "numerous" developers.

Currently, the PSP2's hardware is not finalized, and Sony is having problems balancing battery, power and heat. There are apparently overheating issues, but Sony is, of course, aiming to have those issues corrected by the time the hardware is publicly shown.

Sony set the PSP2's goals, but is still tinkering with the portable's innards. The PSP2's tech specs are expected to change. Sources tell Kotaku that the PSP2's release window is fall 2011. Sony is not yet talking openly about the PSP2.

Sony did not offer a comment in time for publication.


Zalecodone said...

Looks slick

Anonymous said...

Looks too bulky :/

Lepoidim said...

Looks pretty cool but it will most likely be very expensive.

Anonymous said...

fantastic design

Copyboy said...

Looks like an iphone on steroids.

Nostalgist said...

i'll better save some money until then!

razortek said...

nice one i would like to buy it!

Mamin odabir said...

This is gonna be veeery expensive.

Ben Dover said...

I hope that people are able to hold it long enough to actually play something :D

Pro said...

looks awesome,but how would you bring that anywhere with you?

Anonymous said...

built in HDTV tuner?

Ken said...

This is great.

Archi said...

This is great!

Beño said...

maybe would be like an ipad D:

Unknown said...

The thing about Sony is that they make great hardware, but unfortunately for them, it's not just the hardware that sells anymore. When the PSP came out it didn't really have much to play with. same thing with the ps3, if developers dont support this as soon as it comes out, it will take a while before it picks up, and it might not pick up at all since it has more competitors now.

Shugo said...

looks INTESNE, always a big fan of the PSP, it kind of looks like the DROID.....

Earl Hickey said...

Following and supporting

Synthetic Soiree said...

Can't wait for this

Beatrice said...

Looks quite blocky


wow, it looks great!

NePsuj said...

omg handsome thing! :D

Phil McKracken said...

I may buy it. Not 100% sure yet.

Anonymous said...

I'm still super excited.

dzikrk said...

Looks nice! I had psp 1000 and I know it's good piece of hardware

Joel C Anatoli said...

I hope they figure out the kinks, but why would you get a psp2 in the first place?

level85nerd said...

really, who needs that?

Campino said...

looks a bit heavy

Austin said...

This looks really cool, good find. Hopefully it's better than the last

Doc THUMP said...

psp is fail, sony dont know what to do with it

Donkote said...

i would definitely consider getting it as long as its not ridiculously overpriced

Donkote said...

i would definitely consider getting it as long as its not ridiculously overpriced

jinx said...

I might buy it ^^

gomby said...

PSP2 vs 3ds I think it's no question who will win.. yet again

Not A Tourist said...

DS for life

Czikita said...

love to have it

El Trombone said...

Can't wait to get this.

!Cars, Cars, Cars! said...

what! that thing looks insane. Thx for the sup, you got mine.

Frank said...

Good post man, I think it looks great !!

Willow said...

I never could get into the whole PSP thing...

The Cockshiner said...

Maybe I'll be able to afford the old PSP now.

AdPlusCommunications said...

i still have a first gen psp, haha. :D

Anonymous said...

Damn it looks great. Love the design! said...

reminds me of the ipad.

gnjili shepard said...

dont really like portables, aint my thing.

Lossy555 said...

1. It'll be much too heavy for long sesiions of playing/surfing etc.
2. It'll be much too expensive
Though i'd like to have one :D

Jakey said...

I wonder how much will it cost. looks very expensive

Shelby Fox said...

This looks unreal!

Touch and Feel said...

This thing looks super slick. I can't wait to try one out.

darkmanx said...

Looks sick

darkmanx said...

looks sick

SituationAbs said...

Looks like an awesome device!

HDPapers said...

This looks incredible. Looking forward to the release (and hopefully a stock of games as well).

Mikey said...

Oh god if it could2 games i'd jizz

Sparrow said...

this is totally WICKED!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

It looks slick as hell...I doubt thats what it'll end up looking like though..but who knows.