
Feb 21, 2012

Eating Dessert for Breakfast Can Make You Skinny

Your mother, doctors and life lied to you. According to scientists (science, people!), combining a low-calorie diet that includes dessert for breakfast will help you lose weight. Sweets, cookies, creme brulee, cake. ALL OF IT will help you lose weight if you start your day off like that. I love breakfast now.

According to the study, scientists put 144 obese people on a low carb, low calorie diet (1,400 calories for women, 1,600 calories for men) that were exactly identical except that one of the diets included "a high-carbohydrate, protein-enriched breakfast with a choice of cookies, chocolate, cake or ice cream for dessert."

What's interesting is that during the first 16-week period, the average weight loss was the same—both groups lost 32 pounds on average. Where it got suuuper interesting was the 16 week followup, people with the dessert for breakfast diet lost 13 more pounds while the other group gained back all but 3.5 pounds of the weight they lost. WHAT. IS. THIS. MADNESS. (It's supposedly something that deals with satisfying your cravings or something after a diet)

The full study is in the March 10 issue of the journal Steroids. I don't care, all I know is, get to eating dessert before 10 in the mornin' kids. It's good for you. More here.


Anonymous said...

i knew it. i did this for years and was always slim. i`ve put on loads of weight since i started eating " properly"

R said...

Sounds crazy!

Adam said...

I can't believe Rosie O Donnell has been living so healthy all these years

Outcast said...

That's great news haha, it makes alot of sense to me too actually in all honesty.

FilipBlog said...

Maybe not for breakfast but i alos love cakes. Great picture.


MRanthrope said...

hell yes. Oreos and milk instead of cereal everyday!

sm said...

interesting news
eat cake and be slim

G said...

I soooo wish this was true

That Random Guy said...

Not that I really need to lose wait, but a good thing to know in case I one day need to. Thanks!

Zyu said...

I guess I can start using that as an excuse to eat cake for breakfast!