
Sep 10, 2011

How to View a Private Youtube Video

It’s just simple if you know the URL of the private YouTube video that you like to see. You can easily see some of the still frames of that video even without the permission from the owner. Example:

Just copy the ID of any YouTube video from its URL (in the above case, Or7--7Ny16Q) and replace it in the following links.


What actually the reason is that YouTube creates thumbnails of every video that’s uploaded in their server and those images are made public even in the case of private videos. An image is worth a thousand words. So, its easy for you to know what’s inside a Private Youtube Video.


Outcast said...

Nice tip man. Thanks a lot for posting.

Arrpii said...

Pretty cool, would be cooler if there was a actually play the video

Dylanthulhu said...

Hmmm... interesting.

Content Hedgehog said...

I never really thought about doing this before. I always just was like "oh well" when the video I wanted to watch didn't load...