Internet Explorer, the old, fat, mad king of the online kingdom still reigns uncontested. But beneath him, a power struggle between Chrome and Firefox, the latter of which has clung to the number two spot. But that's about to change.
According to internet stats firm StatCounter, Chrome's grown in use by 50%—and is on track to take the silver medal by December. StatCounter is just one company among many that do the exact same thing, so these figures aren't ironclad. But the trend definitely is—IE languishes, and Firefox hasn't done much to excite us in a while. Chrome, on the other hand, at least has Google beating its drum; a luxury afforded by, you know, being owned by megarich Google. The long term trend here—emphasis on long—is the gradual decline of IE. Eventually, I'd expect Firefox and Chrome to take the number one and two spots. It's just a matter of when, and who'll be the new king.
*opera as the number 1 spot
I've noticed the stats on my blog and 75% of them are from people who use opera
second is chrome, and I haven't received any from firefox, so I don't know what you're on about? o_O
Seriously, how is IE still so high?
IE is number one... proving that the word is dominated by the severely retarded.
I use chrome, it feels so much smoother, and loads far faster than Firefox. It looks clean as well.
Why is IE still top? Because by default you get IE, unless you live in Europe.
I work at a place that fixes computers and one of the first things I look at to see if they have anything other than IE. If that's all they have, I can already tell how bad this might be.
I use Chrome all the time. Internet explorer will probably remain the most used among the general internet user population simply because they don't know how to install or even know that there are other web browsers out there.
Is IE not the basic set browser? So it only makes sense that it's popular still. I'm a Chrome man I have to admit. It has his problems though I do love it.
It should be illegal to use Internet Explorer. Same reason you aren't allowed to drive Model T's on the freeway.
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