This Harry Potter Crop Circle Maze Definitely Wasn’t Created By Aliens
Neither aliens nor goblins had a hand in creating this "maize maze" near York, England—the farmer "Top Pearsy" (that's a name, yes) owned up and said he merely wanted to mark the ending of the Harry Potter moviethon.
Thank god he didn't carve the four Sex and the City women's likenesses in his corn fields.
Maybe the aliens were Harry Potter fans...
That's pretty cool, I wonder if I could do the same thing on a smaller scale the next time I mow my lawn...
He really is a devoted fan!
Nice one!
Wizards! I knew they were aliens instead!
Maybe wizards, not aliens
Oh man that is the biggest fan for sure.
yeah, definitely the work of wizards
Oh girl nice work ! Take a look at my bloog and give my some advice if you can !
Who knows, maybe Aliens are just as interested in Harry Potter as we are ;).
awesome. must have taken some time !!! thanks for checking out the paintings. stay tuned another one on the way
This was totally aliens. Totally.
thank god
YEah, agree with Zombie. haha. Harry potter fan alines. LOL right... But they must be excited for the last movie. I know I'm going to see it!
That man has some serious skills!
I'm pretty stoked too.... hahaha
I wish I lived in england so I can see it in person!!!
looks awesome haha!'
Definitely not aliens... voldemort maybe, but not aliens.
People live even more bored than me. Amazing job
looks awesome must have been horrible to cut the maze into the field
Nice one. Must have costed lot of work.
Wow that looks like a lot of job.
Lol, thats funny
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