
Feb 16, 2011

This Is The First And Only iPhone 4 Case To Meet Military Specifications

If you want to protect your shiny iPhone 4 from the harshest conditions known to man, you may not have a better option than the Ballistic HC.

The $50 case went through a myriad of tests for drop damage, vibration, extreme temperatures, humidity and dust to gain certification. It also has connector seals, water-resistant meshes and tough lenses to make sure that dust, dirt and other harmful materials don't damage your phone.

The cases are available for both iPhone 4s, some Blackberry Curve models and the HTC Evo. 


AWLBlogs said...

Damn, but it probably wont be stronger then those old nokia 30310's :D :D

Little Grey Wolf said...

why not make a milatary iphone instead

Improve your Vocab! said...

incase you feel like updating your twitter or using other useless apps in the heat of battle! haha

Todd Andrews said...

I would buy an iphone, but the android software has me hooked. Following this tech blog now.

dubmixt said...

oh, wow! nice!

Dudemeister said...

I think I saw this on Neatorama. Pretty awesome!

Spencer said...

Hahaha I watched the video about it on the ballistic website, and it just made me laugh, They claimed to throw it against the wall, but really they just give it a nice gentle toss. But It does seem pretty legit!

cooperlife said...

people go to ridiculous lengths to protect their phones...

Zakk said...

Great stuff :3

Poetry of the Day said...

this looks familiar lol

Poetry <3

Anonymous said...

super cool... yet I want it in pink. LOL

Unknown said...

Wow, I really want that now!

Anonymous said...

also childproof!
i would go for this

Anonymous said...


Lexingtonian said...

But will it stop bullets?? haha

PS3 Fnatic said...

can it protect my phone from a nuclear bomb? yeah didn't think so.

lovebloggin said...

lol that thing is badass

Ramsay said...

Wow! Is it bulletproof to? If they came out with this for my Sony, I would put in the $50 bucks to buy it for sure.

anon408 said...

Legit. I need to get myself one of these lol.

Anonymous said...

what little grey wolf said.

Why not just make something durable and heavy duty.

Ciriis said...

Extremly good to know, i have a few people in the military who have flat out said they needed a case like this simply due to the rough condition they have to deal with on a daily basis.

I will be telling them about this for sure.

Anonymous said...

Interesting !

BlowingInTheWind said...

Not what I expected, might actually make the iPhone look nice

Patti D. said...

I doubt the army would go to war with an iphone, tbh.
I think they might use one of the Sonim phones, that are super heavy duty and water proofed.

Lyeed said...

Well everyone wants to know : is that bulletproof ? :D

Tyrone said...

That's badass! Shame I'm a blackberry man!!

Scanon said...

The letters look like them from playstation

wutssz said...

>Damn, but it probably wont be stronger then those old nokia 30310's :D :D

I lol'd ahahahah

D.B. said...

wow nice, all i need now is a iphone4 xD

kkazzamm said...

bought an otterbox for my captivate. found something NO "case" can protect a fone from ... a toddler who just finished a banana.
my captivate was sticky for DAYS!!!

Ziggy said...

I still think they should just make a common brick into a phone, when the ammo runs out just throw it at the enemy :D

Stuff that matters, stuff that don't said...

Nice, i'd definitely buy one if I had an iPhone.

elexerdelex said...

Yes now the military can play ''angry birds'' to see how to throw their grenades!

Tom's Life Strategies said...

If they are a bit affordable I might consider buying one of these! Current mobile phone worked fine untile I dropped it for the second time..thats not happening to me again!

Peanutzzz said...

looks bad ass but I don't see why the millitary would need iphones lol
Missed your blog dude :D

Viperys said...

LOL, how's it again? Ballisto?
Could it pass a ballistic test then?

2Little Grey Wolf:

John said...

AWLBlogs said...

Damn, but it probably wont be stronger then those old nokia 30310's :D :D

I had one of those! You couldn't break them! lolo

Now your Iphone doubles as a blunt means to beat someone to death with!