The latest crazy doomsday theory is upon us, and unlike the two suns story, there isn't even really a grain of truth behind this one. This new theory says that the magnetic poles will shift in the near future (which, in all likelihood, they won't, at least not in human time scales), and that this will change our climate (which maybe it could, but not nearly as much as the drastic change we're already experiencing), all this will somehow create superstorms, and this somehow probably all ties into 2012 somehow.
sweet dude
Even if the poles swapped places all that would happen is that compasses will point in opposite directions...
so Mayans are rite. Eagerly waiting for movie before 2012:)
i love the doomsday theorys lol watch the one on penn and teller bullshit so good
wow awesome
These theory always amuse me. We'll see...
We're all going to die!
Bring it.
all that and the hydron accelerator, its the end of the world!
more proof of how nature rules and man has little impact on the earth.
It's reckone that the poles have already swapped around once before, when the meteorite wiped out the dinosaurs
I'm waiting for someone to say "the poles will switch places if God wills it..." :)
To answer your question: No.
I've heard of this before, it's supposed to be pretty devastating for the earth.
Not the compasses, please. ANYTHING BUT THE COMPASSES!
Let's hope it doesn't. It's already bad enough.
something and some how lolo
I heard the problem was caused by millions of SUV-sized chunks of steel driving around disturbing the Earth's magnetic field. Time to buy some non-stable Lorenz attractor credits to offset my conductor emissions.
i hope i dont die!
I think this is the one apocalypse scenario that will actually happen. Probably not in our lives though.
does this mean all the stuff i have stuck to my fridge is gonna fall off.
This is awesome!
good post man. im followin
yea we dont have to worry about something like this killing us, but it could fuck things up for birds because they direct themselves using magnetic force.
nice blog ,followed
great post
I vote that we create a wheel of DOOM.
On this wheel of DOOM we will paste all of our favorite DOOMsday theories and spin to decide which one to freak out about today!
Yea I read about the magnetic poles switching a few years ago hah.
I'm sure it's *massive tornado destroys everything*
Damn those Mayans for scaring the shit out of us thousands of years later.
The mayan decided to cause stress on the people who would take over their society by planting this, they've cursed us!
And this theory is quite laughable, does anyone say how the poles would go about switching all of a sudden?
it is possible though it wont necessarily be a swap the magnetic pole could very well shift to Australia. Very well could have effects on communications with the change allowing for solar radiation into areas with human population.
Btw if that pic on your profile is you then you are possibly the perfect girl haha.
It's all theory of course. The vast sums of money these scientists get to waffle on and scare us to bits is truly baffling.
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