
Dec 24, 2010

Sony's Camcorder That Takes DSLR Lenses Will Be On Sale Next Year

Looks like Panasonic aren't the only guys with a camcorder that can supportinterchangeable lenses like a DSLR. Sony's NXCAM, first shown off in May, takes E-mount lenses (the same used on their NEX cameras) and has a super-35mm sensor.

While it's just a concept for now, they have plans to bring it out in the middle of next year, where it'll be shooting video in 1080p—most likely for a pretty, pretty penny.


Unknown said...

cool :D ill have to invest in one, one of these days

Nope said...

soo much want!!

Vapor said...


ValveWorld said...

Wow crazy!

stm said...

this will work with my phone, right?

Anonymous said...

That's a cool camcorder, just a box like that

Cpt Pownzor said...

looks fancy hopefully they can make this kind of affordable

Billy said...

Can't wait. I've always loved sony produced EXCEPT when it comes to the lenses (both still photography and video). Glad they're finally coming to their senses.

G345t said...

Wow, maybe if I wish hard enough Santa will bring it!

Suciô Sanchez said...

It's enormous!