
Dec 24, 2010

Oil Lamp Grenade: Because a Round-Base Flame Carrier is a Safe Idea

Don't lob this grenade, whatever you do—unless you're attempting insurance fraud and actually want your house burned down. Perfectly rounded, filled with oil, and then lit up. What could go wrong?


Anonymous said...

that looks really cool!

Anonymous said...

Meh things that go
Happy Christmas!!

MikeyB said...


Josh Tree said...

Thats cool supported

Henri said...

That is pretty awesome. Not safe with kids around though.

Unknown said...

thats awesome :DD but also a not very safe idea.

Suciô Sanchez said...

Were can I get one?

CandleintheDark said...

Looks awesome. Not sure if Awesome will be the word if I saw someone handling it near me.

HereForTheMusic said...

Is it bad that I actually want one of those? haha

SpringyB said...

Looks safe, let's hang it on the tree.

Jeff said...

I would use it to light my bitches cigarette in a crowded bar.

erics said...

do want!