
Dec 27, 2010

It's Official: LED Lights Are Coming

The future of lighting is here, it's just not evenly distributed. Light-emitting diodes (LED) lightbulbs have been coming on the market in the past few years, but their quality varies greatly, from "almost perfect" to "horrible."

The Qnuru bulbs use LEDs made by Cree. The versions are "cool white" (6000k temp), they're also available in "warm white" (3000k). They use a standard E26 socket and use respectively 6.4 watts and 9.2 watts, and they're both rated as replacing 60W incandescents, though the bigger OPAL definitely produces more light and has a wider beam angle.

They have a 50,000+ hours lifetime, which compares very favorably to about 15,000 hours for compact fluorescent (CFLs) and 2,500 hours for incandescent bulbs. It makes more sense to pay extra for quality if you're going to be potentially keeping these lights around for decades. In fact, they come with a 3 year warranty, not something you'll find on any fluorescent!

And of course, because they are LEDs, they don't contain any mercury, and they are a lot less fragile than CFLs and incandescents.


mrecan said...

these are useful and looking cool
i will check them

Tsipise said...

They are out here too. I gradually change all my lights by LEDs now. (Theyre expensive)

Mister Sharaf said...

if they are not so expensive...that would be great thing

Someone said...

compact flourecent!!

Nokel said...

I wonder if I can use a dimmer with these, if so, i'd totally buy one!

Zombie said...

They do look pretty cool!

Vapor said...

I'll have to try them out.

Teutorix said...

I have some of this and they are terrible :(

Max said...

Quite the eye sore.

MRanthrope said...

candles/torches anyone?

Sv3ntevith said...

That's a good solution especially for Europe.. We cannot use regular lightbulbs here, we have to use the Energy saving ones which are very unhealthy for eyes.. The leds would be awesome

A Beer for the Shower said...

Too bad I have to wait fifteen years for my eco-coil lights to die first :(

Rick said...

looks cool

Drackar said...

Definitely a technology I like...The lifespan is really really handy, but the comparative pricepoint just isn't there yet.

Styron said...

thx for the info man!
i also gave you a little Christmas gift:

Brut said...

Wow, these look really handy.

Monster Madness said...

Cool news, I didn't know this :)

Suciô Sanchez said...

Can't wait for them to get cheap. I hate the curly-wurly bulbs.

Unknown said...

this is awesome :D evolution XD

Anonymous said...

Embrace the future!