
Dec 27, 2010

Flexible LED Mat Can Bend and Fold for Any Emergency Lighting Situations

Running off three AA batteries, this FLEXiT blanket of LEDs is completely flexible and able to hold shape, meaning you can wrap and fold it around objects (your laptop, dog's tail, under the sink) for some urgent light-throwing.

There are 16 LEDs sprinkled across the silicone blanket, and there are even three light settings (I imagine for dim, dimmer, and dimmest light?) cost $30 on FLEXiT 


Suciô Sanchez said...

It makes me wish I had a dog.

Styron said...

If Goverment safety was a little bit like me( a genius, i must say)they would give them away to the kids who are driving their bicycles in the dangerous streets. They would be light flashes driving around, easy to see :)

Vapor said...

LED's are awesome.

Henri said...

I can't really figure out what these would really be useful for.

YukonAfternoon said...

These LED's are totally bodacious.

David Davidson said...

do that is cool

Mister Sharaf said...

looks nice :)

Drackar said...

interesting, but inefficient.

Les said...

Dang, if only I saw this before christmas, I would have got one for all of my friends.

Max said...

We should stuff LEDs into everything possible. Yeah.