
Dec 28, 2010

Go Pew Pew in the Space Invaders Couch

This sofa is likely to never see the dawn of a waking day, nor the imprints of your buttocks as you settle in for a marathon 15-hour Space Invaders sesh.


Anonymous said...

That's pretty awesome!

Pawawanpi said...

That thing is so awesome. I want one.

Drackar said...

That is one nerdy sofa.

Jeff said...

How do you fall asleep watching football on that thing?

Lil' Rocker Flower said...

yeah cool!!!!!!!

Suciô Sanchez said...

Imagine zapping your loved one on that.

Sinisa said...

o yea...

Omi said...

I want one :<

Sam said...

Now this is the coolest thing in a long time :)

000 said...

i'd buy it

Styron said...

lold xd

mrecan said...

god i love these space invaders items

Anonymous said...

friggin awesome!

MRanthrope said...

If I was a millionaire, and a total geek....i'd have one in every room of my mansion.

Monster Madness said...

That's the most awesome thing I've seen in a while! :D

erics said...

this will go good with my space invader desk!