
Nov 27, 2010

Tokyo Flash is Making This Watch a Reality

Enough people voted on this "Kisai RPM" concept watch submitted to Tokyo Flash by Brit James Fursedon, that the Japanese company is making it a reality. There's even better news—it's on sale now!

Thankfully, it's one of the easiest-to-read designs we've seen by the crazy watch manufacturer. Inspired by DJ decks, the glowing blue LEDs indicate the hours and minutes around the brushed stainless steel center. It costs £132 in the UK, which is around $208—get in quick!


Copyboy said...

I have trouble enough reading the hands.

Suciô Sanchez said...

Very Tron

Diego said...

Looks good, even without knowing exactly what it does =p

IQuotes said...

Sweet for looks not so much for practicality for me unforunatly.

killerkun said...

Expensive, but totally sexy watch :D

Jeff said...

do they make one that tells me what time it is? Or maybe a decoder ring?

Gurney said...

oh thats nice

Anonymous said...

That looks awesome.
Who wears watches for the time anyways?

Zanck said...

woo, nice,,
great. like this...

please visit me,,

Brut said...

Really cool looking!

John said...

Reminds me of Daft Punk

Bob Figgins said...

Oh man. I want one. I totally don't understand it but who cares?

000 said...

the watch is sure expensive

Major Mack said...

unless its bulletproof they can keep it looks like a timex ironman with a lid on it.

Anonymous said...

I want this watch.

Ratch said...

awesome, i want one but the price is a bit steep for me.

Gerlof said...

Looks f-ing awesome!

Anonymous said...

I actually need a new watch.. This one looks so awesome

Jaceta said...

This might be a watch that I would actually wear! It's kinda sexy.

Hitchcock said...

Looks pretty sweet

Sinisa said...


Anonymous said...

if i'm reading it right, it says 3:55pm

MRanthrope said...

the NOW

Joel C Anatoli said...

Im so getting one!!!