
Nov 28, 2010

Samson Q2U Mic Is a Cheap USB/XLR Solution For Home Foley Action

You can easily make your own 1080p movies with relatively inexpensive gear at home now, but what if you want quality sound effects? Samson's (a name brand for microphones) Q2U might be your ticket for do-it-at-home Foley times.

The Q2U supports both XLR and USB cables, letting you plug it into basically any machine you have in your house. Now you can break glass, stomp on light bulbs and do whatever it is those crazy sound recording artists do to get effects to seem more exciting than they actually are in real life. It also has a 3.5mm headphone port so you can listen to what you're recording while you're recording it. Price $117.35


Lexington said...

This is the kind of Mics we're getting at college soon

Sam said...

cool solution if u're into music

Ratch said...

great, i will tell my friend whos in a band about this, they were having issues with some sound recording.

timeline1992 said...

could harldy open the comment window -_-
ok now i am in and:

cool blog bro :D following!

Amberclad said...

ooooh sweet, have waited for a affordable mic =)

John said...

great for amateurs like me who need a quality cheep mic

Poetry of the Day said...

the mic looks like a solid purchase.

Anonymous said...

nice !

Justsayin' said...

Great info thanx

Gurney said...

those looks really good.

Buff Drinklots said...

I want one!

LoneIslander said...

I need to get that

MoneyNaoPlz said...

That seems like a VERY basic recording system for that price.

Major Mack said...

Nice mic,didnt know you could pick these up so cheap

Poster said...

well that's helpful

Christian said...

recently I've been interested in pursuing Foley. Seems like a decent mic.

Vapor said...

Seems like a great buy.

Evan said...

Looks like a decent mic for that price

Peanutzzz said...

still costs too much lol

Suciô Sanchez said...

Will bookmark for the day I make a real video.

cooperlife said...

great mic, great deal.

Anonymous said...

looks like a nice mic although i prefer the classic ones like electrovoice and shure.

Alex said...

already have the cam only missing the mic ... will be looking for some reviews about this

Tomas Fer said...

I wint one like this >_<

systemAdmin said...

I've done some audio work. You won't get epic quality sound out of most mics. If you want good quality, you probably need to spend around $1000 for a decent mic. But that's shotgun mics...not sure about voice recording mics...

killerkun said...

Finally a good solution for those of us who can't afford a protools interface

Joel C Anatoli said...

looks great, but a little out of my budget