
Nov 17, 2010

This Is What Motherboards Look Like Now

Asus calls the black cladding over its newSabertooth P67motherboard a "tactical vest", which despite the goofy name is there for good reason: the shielding ducts cool air over motherboard parts, while protecting from daughterboard heat. In theory.


iMonei said...

that looks.. sexy! lol

111 said...

nice stuff haha

Suciô Sanchez said...

Would keep dust off I suppose.

k said...

v. nice! Wish I knew all the significance behind it, haha

NoblePurple said...

Very sleek looking.

Shimizu said...

not sure if useful...
and it surely looks that is going to increase motherboard's price in around 50 bucks...
i wonder if whatever that does the gabinet itself don't

Rezden said...

Seems pretty cool. Hope this becomes the trend, as long as it works, lol. Thanks for sharing this.

Kartoffeln said...

I'll marry her!

HondaX said...

interesting post

Michael V said...

good looking :p

hindenburg said...

I need one of those :/
Mine heats up all the time

Christie Klein said...

I'd be afraid of it just trapping more heat but I'm sure the engineers have it right.

SoreLosersGaming said...

You know that feeling when you get a new computer and instantly feel behind the times; I have that now.


roger said...

it just looks like it'd get hotter.

Anonymous said...

looks clean and simple :)

Izi said...

nery nice looking :)

Unknown said...

It's an interesting idea. I want to know more about it.

Banana said...

looks to me as not very useful, but i don't have a degree in thermodynamics lol

timeline1992 said...

i think this is just awesome... i want mine to look lik that

Kikino said...

Looks very nice!

Frank said...

Still looks pretty different from mine and I just got myself a new computer...

royevans said...


Anonymous said...

well no very few mb.s looks like this
its just plastic no big deal

Anonymous said...

meh as long as it works, im ok with it. not too worried about the looks

Ishu said...

Looks very stable

LoneIslander said...

Good concept.

The Angry Vegetarian said...

they've come quite a ways

Anonymous said...

That ought to be useful.

Anonymous said...

looks very technical

Gurney said...

good idea. wont be getting one till they prove it work lol

Anonymous said...

looks very technical

dragnlamer said...

Hopefully this will save my mid-region from suffering from the hot tub effect

Anonymous said...

I like your post and I would really like to see more of them!

MoneyNaoPlz said...

wooowwwww...looks cool :P

Voacaroo said...

COOL! Always wondered why nobody thought of this before.

Tencrowns said...

Oh man, that's handy. Had a motor burn out on a fan one night, the whole thing got too hot. As I recall, the CPU got fried.

Peanutzzz said...

water cooling ftw

rominoutozor said...

I think that's look funny lol

caretaker said...

interesting post....

zon said...

kinda sexy, for computer hardware..

Virus said...

Meh... looks like manufacturers are just "dumbing" down computer parts nowadays, like apple does.

Brosephus said...

Awesome man. Keep it up1

Diego said...

Looks awesome, i´ll have to get one :P

The Situation said...

More like keeps all the heat in. Lol.

killerkun said...

That is one really good looking mobo :D