
Nov 17, 2010

Panasonic's 103-Inch Plasma TV Goes 3D

After falling in price to "just" $50,000 last year, Panasonic's five-year-old plasma has been updated with 3D technology. The TH-P103MT2 will sell for the equivalent of $101,900 in Japan—not including installation, naturally.


Sykefu said...

that's a great tv, like, really great TV.

What are you doing here. said...

wow so thin and so 3d

Rezden said...

Looks pretty amazing. Can't wait to own one of these :)

HondaX said...

nice plasma

Anonymous said...

That is a ridiculous amount of money to spend on a tv.

El Trombone said...

THis TV is too intense... it wouldn't fit anywhere in my apt... but I want it anyway.

El Trombone said...

THis TV is too intense... it wouldn't fit anywhere in my apt... but I want it anyway.

Gurney said...

lol wow so much money!

CrazyAce01 said...

Jesus, $100,000. I'd prefer a new car, thanks, not to mention paying for my college tuition. I can make do with a small screen.

The Angry Vegetarian said...

that's one big, expensive tv. I couldn't care less about the 3D aspect, though

Mike said...

I can't believe people would pay that much for this

Velkon said...

Damn I'd like to play Xbox / playstation on this screen :O

Shimizu said...

that's freaking hueg

Ronoh said...

great update to a great TV!

dous said...

I would not buy it.

Mr.Brightside said...

too expensive

LoneIslander said...

New template?

Wafflehaus said...

I want!!!

zon said...

id rather spend 100k on .. i dunno, a vacation. to see things in REAL 3d.

Virus said...

Holy hell, I want one!

Brosephus said...

That looks like a great TV but it costs way too much.

Shabondama said...

oh god! :O

Anonymous said...

Wow this is like having a theater in your house!

Suciô Sanchez said...

And still there's nothing on TV.

SeoulTrance said...

nomnomnom plasma nom

dragnlamer said...

this TV is insane

NarwhalMinded said...

Ugh, that is WAY too expensive!

Unknown said...

no thank you haha

Sinisa said...

ooo it`s to much...but it is nice tv...

Anonymous said...

now thats what I call a a TV said...

it's huge! best tv ever, I think

Ratch said...

wow, if i had the money...

killerkun said...

I bet getting a preojector would be a more intelligent buy