
Nov 27, 2010

This Is the Fanciest Farm House You Can Imagine

This beautiful 4564-square-foot house reminds me of Magneto's base in Secret Wars, with its second floor almost fully suspended over the air. At night it looks like the Jawas' Sandcrawler. It's actually a farm house on the Minija Valley, Lithuania.

The owner of the Utriai Residence, who is dedicated to the production of chicken eggs and pigs, and his wife, an art college student interested in furniture design, wanted a house that looked like a place "made from huge logs". Like Noah's Ark, "where the family with all their belongings and animals moved from the city."

And on top of having an awesome house, they can have fresh eggs and bacon every morning.


Christian said...

Simply amazing, would love to have a place like that.

Sam said...

quite fancy indeed

Jeff said...

I always think that those glass walled houses would be nice to visit, but hell to live in. I mean, after a snowstorm, imagine the glare...

Anonymous said...

that place is blingin'. it almost looks of swedish or danish design

Anonymous said...

Fancy on the outside, boring on the inside. So unhomey...

Poster said...

omg that is awesome

Anonymous said...

Did they say "farmhouse?"

miecak said...

Bleh, looks expensive.

Evan said...

awesome house. Great views out those windows too

IDDQD said...

that would be so rad to have, only problem is placement.. the land lot alone surely is more than a nice lottery winning :/
its fun to dream though!

Suciô Sanchez said...

Thunderbirds are go!

Gurney said...

Thats amazing. I want!

IQuotes said...

So modern looking for a farm house!

Applelove said...

I see no crops :|

Buff Drinklots said...

In before house collapses.

Ratch said...

amazing house

David Davidson said...

wow, just wow

Anonymous said...

Beautiful house on the outside, kind of dull on the inside. Still would kill to live there. (:

Peanutzzz said...

huh, are the floors going downwards? lol

Justsayin' said...

WOW. Nice pad! Following your blog.

Sinisa said...

I don`t know what to say...

Mr. Riddler said...

one day I hope to live in a place like this....

Anonymous said...

you put a nice post today!

Oh oh! Banana! said...

That is awesome, dude.

ThatGuy said...

I would love to have a place like that. It defies

SimsGuy said...

I love the way places look in photos, but I'm not sure that I would like all the windows/glass. Plus, it seems like it would always be cold or hot.
Still beautiful..

Ryukai said...

That is so freaking awesome.

cooperlife said...

fresh eggs and bacon every morning. yummy.

Monster Madness said...

It looks cool and all, but I don't think I'd feel safe in it though...

Anonymous said...

With such a house, anyone would wanna be a farmer.

happybuffet said...

I'm not a fan of glass walls. I'd feel uneasy just walking around the house. I just want four walls and adobe slats for mah grrlz

Major Mack said...

house is a trip, dont you keep rolling out of bed though?

Willow said...

Damn I wish I lived on that farm, that house is awesome looking....

000 said...

veryy futuristic

bubba said...

nice house

honkhonkpt said...

Wow, what a house!