
Nov 24, 2010

This Door Knob Lets You See What's in the Room Behind It

You probably don't spend much time thinking about door knobs, or how they could be improved. Maybe you should! This glass globe lets you catch a glimpse of what's going on in the room you're about to enter.

Hideyuki Nakayama's "A Room in the Glass Globe," developed in conjunction with door handle manufacturer LEVER, shows you a reflection of what's going on in the room behind it, cast in a sort of strange, dreamlike haze. It's currently on display at the at the Plain People store in Aoyama, Tokyo. I think I'd sacrifice a little bit of privacy to have such a beautiful and simple idea in my home.


cooperlife said...

I demand they put these in public bathrooms.

Sugar said...

nicee,,i like it..

kushman said...

You won't catch these in my house, I don't want to be caught fappin!

Anonymous said...

This is a crystal ball that see through the future :D

zon said...

ninja detection?

MarkoManager said...

Lovely posts, following you....

Cowbellrocker said...

That's so cool, but I would never put one in my house. Way too weird.

Buff Drinklots said...

Very nice, indeed.

Anonymous said...

awesome !

Suciô Sanchez said...

Has great potential.

Jeff said...

I'm just putting up webcams everywhere. Good idea, and nice execution, though.

Monster Madness said...

That's actually pretty scary o_O

LoneIslander said...

Good to have around the house lol

Voacaroo said...

Hmm.. So people will be able to see into the bedroom without entering? I don't think I like that idea

SpringyB said...

Oh wow. I wonder how practical they'd be though.

happybuffet said...

Wait is it only a one-way thing? Or is it like a window?

Ratch said...

looks great and a fun novelty!

The Informant said...

Ooooh. If I ever get an awesome house I am having these installed in "appropriate" places xD

Anonymous said...

wow that is amazing!

Gurney said...

lol no thanks

Christie Klein said...

That's really cool :D

killerkun said...

Crazy stuff, seriously I never thought this would be possible e__e

Shimizu said...

the brand new: gipsy's kristal knobe, let you know the future.. if you will certainly enter that room

Aaron said...

I love this - it's like a crystal ball that lets you peer inside another world. What else can we improve that is just staring us right in the face?

CookingManiac said...

good for not getting stabbed :D

Nekura said...

Hm.. I see how parents could abuse this..

Big John said...

Thats cool.

Quinn Electronics said...

nice knob

Unknown said...

It's a good idea for some rooms, not all.

Das Auto! said...

needless to say, these won't be installed in my room. it completely defeats the purpose of the door... i'll just leave the door open if i want people to have a view of me..

wait a minute, i live by myself..

123 said...


i need one of these. :O

Derrick O said...


ThatGuy said...

That is pretty neat

Okko said...

thats an unconventional idea but hella creepy i don't lik the thought of beein watched trough my door knob o.O

000 said...

pure awesomeness

David Davidson said...

this is the coolest thing I have ever seen! I'm following you now!

Tree of life said...

every girls locker room needs one of these.

Ajaks said...

Oh wow... That should be installed in prisons.

Sinisa said...

BrotherAnon said...

Would want these if they came with some sort of lid or cover

Michael V said...

that's a good door knob lol :p !
seems a bit voyeur...

Dr. Steve said...

This would be good for children. I couldn't imagine putting one of these in the bathroom. keke