
Nov 24, 2010

Facebook Stalking Can Actually Kill You If You're Not Careful

A new article in the medical journal Lancet details the story of an 18-year-old kid who consistently found himself with "difficult and labored breathing" after using Facebook. The problem? He was using Facebook to stalk his ex-girlfriend.

The 18-year-old subject of the article, whose "post-Facebook" peak flow—the measurement of a person's ability to breathe air—was reduced by as much as 20 percent, was signing online to look at his ex-girlfriend's profile. The stress of seeing how totally over him she was, and how cute she looked, and who is that guy in that picture, no, don't tell me, do you think they've had sex yet, caused his breathing problems. (He had actually created a separate profile to look at her and all the fun she was having without him, which perhaps speaks to other, larger, psychological problems at play.)

Obviously, the knowledge that social stress and anxiety can induce asthma attacks isn't exactly new. But, the authors write, Facebook is "a new source of psychological stress," and doctors should keep their eyes out for Facebook-induced asthma attacks. Ten years ago, when you got dumped, you could only imagine all the hot guys your ex is banging—thanks to Facebook, you can actually see every single one.

The only solution, then, is to ban easily-stressed-out people from Facebook. Poor asthmatic kids! Not only do they have no friends, but they'll never make any, now that we know Facebook will actually kill them.


FRESHhousemusic said...

Wow, I don't think astma is that guys only problem tbh. Poor guy.

Suciô Sanchez said...

It's a eugenicist conspiracy.

Tsipise said...

There is something wrong with this guy. Not with FB.

JRam said...

Many more sources of stress can be harmful to an asthma patient though.

Sugar said...

i like your posts very much..

MarkoManager said...

Very nice...

Anonymous said...

nice stuff!
supportin & following!

BannedFromAdsense.NET said...

Who cares about ex... f them

MikeyB said...

hahahaha... that's actually sad.

SoreLosersGaming said...

I think that guy has a lot of problems beyond asthma.

Rezden said...

Quite disturbing, but I guess there are people like that out there. Also, why would she add someone she doesn't know? Don't they warn against that.

Gurney said...

breathing wasn't that dudes only problem lol

Anonymous said...

well it didnt say he died, just that it reduced his peak flow. It probably creeped back up a few minutes later.

LoneIslander said...

Remember people, facebook kills.

Izi said...

I agree, the only problem is the guy ;) said...

I guess that means.....that his ex girlfriend must have been......extremely breathtaking. YYYYEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

woshdatosh said...

wait wat? killing yourself with stalking over facebook, what a crazy idea of suicide :D

Applelove said...

Another reason to be glad I have no facebook

caretaker said...

interesting post dude

Diego said...

It´s a good excuse to leave facebook =P

Amberclad said...

well WTF... if your mind can't bear FB and the abilitys we get through it - JUST DO NOT USE IT FFS

Ishu said...

Dang, I can feel his pain!

MRanthrope said...

that kid is retarded and deserves his health problems, disgusting pervert gets whats coming to him. Besides...ONLY I can use Facebook for stalking, duh.

cooperlife said...

sometimes I look at the pics of the fatass my ex gf is with now. It doesn't cause me loss of breath, but it does make my brain and gut hurt from the laughter that ensues.

Anonymous said...

the things that happens on facebook these days lol

Quinn Electronics said...

facebook is evil

Aaron said...

Happens to so many people these days. I'm always hearing of the social media stalkers ><

killerkun said...

Hahaha how pathetic

kkazzamm said...

Cant say as I am surprised or stunned but more ... depressed at this. I was one of the smaller kids who was always picked on in school. BUT I "manned up" went to karate learned to take care of myself. After one ruptured nut no more kids bothered me. These people need to start manning up and acting like "normal" people. I do realize there are legit medical cases but a lot of the times people just want to be lazy. Sadly it is what has happened to our country. Sorry for the rant :>

000 said...

that's why i dont add anyone to FB

Dr. Steve said...

I think he was a very large man who received lot's of criticism for being online all the time and will be forever alone.