
Nov 19, 2010

Stronger-Than-Diamonds Graphene Can Be Made From Sugar

It's been discovered that you create the very same substance those Ruskis won the Nobel prize for out of household sugar. Borrow a cup from your neighbour, and get baking the world's hardest substance. No, not your Mom's scones. Graphene.

Rice University researchers are responsible for making the startling discovery, which could cut down greenhouse gas emissions and save money too. We already know that graphene (carbon atoms arranged in 2 dimensional linked hexagons) is the strongest (and thinnest) substance known to man, and importantly can conduct electricity. We can look forward to it replacing valuable copper and silicon—and if it's made from normal table sugar, then that's just doubly sweet.


Suciô Sanchez said...

Space elevator made of sugar - Willie Wonka for the win!

Snickelsox said...

That is fucking awesome! I want a candy cane computer! It would be... sweet.

Saliva said...

hehe nice!

MarkoManager said...

Nice post, i follow your blog...

Christie Klein said...

Dude I set off the smoke alarm just making grilled cheese. if I try this nonsense i will burn my apartment building down :O

Shimizu said...

i want a toilet made of that

Tencrowns said...

Well obviously if it's just a rearrangement of carbon you can make it out of sugar. I doubt getting the molecules to line up in perfect flat hexagons is something that can be performed in a household kitchen, though.

caretaker said...

Interesting post...

Anonymous said...

of course everyone in the precious mining business will go after your sugar. haha. graphene good work here.

hindenburg said...

I knew candy was the answer to everything!

Joe said...

but i might eat it... lol

Anonymous said...

Lol they are going to use this stuff to give us electricity :D

LonelyH said...

would be sweet, lol, to make the strongest material known to man in our kitchens.

Anonymous said...

really interesting

dragnlamer said...

very interesting post

Sinisa said...


CrazyAce01 said...

I'm actually a student in Bioinformatics with a concentration in organic chemistry. I've been following the research of graphene for quite some time now. It's pretty ridiculous stuff, hmm?

Anonymous said...

hope this will do some good

Copyboy said...

So what kind of setting will it take? White gold? Platinum?

Gurney said...

thats some sweet stuff

miecak said...

Exciting developments.

iMonei said...

man the future is here

Jim said...

It could also replace expensive conductors in electronics. Excellent!

Diego said...

I never thought that i could think of candy cane computers

Oh the humanity! :P

Great article!

Bart said...

graphene eh. thats cool. gonna replace my precious copper? nooooooooooooooooooo

What are you doing here. said...

oh cool i didnt know

123 said...

I have some sugar, how do I make it? :(

Unknown said...

More proof that sugar is God's ultimate gift to man.

kkazzamm said...

I am curious if they can attain the same or higher computing speeds from this stuff than they currently have from silicon/copper cpus? I woudl love to see a 10ghz computer. Windows/Apps all load before you can blink your eye?

zon said...

this coffee is too strong!

Anonymous said...

damn that is cool!

000 said...

incredible info

kushman said...

I want to travel space with a ship made of sugar.

killerkun said...

I can only say: Sweet dude!
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