
Nov 19, 2010

Razer Nostromo Gaming Keypad

The Belkin n52te SpeedPad set the bar for one-handed gaming peripherals that looked like they could control alien spacecraft. It's successor, the Razer Nostromo keypad, maintains the look, and it's been updated to support more instantly-switchable keymaps and gaming profiles.

The Razer Nostromo's got all the new chipsets and drivers that have cropped up since the Belkin Speedpad came out back in 2007, bringing it up to speed with today's cutting-edge competitive gaming (and maintaing its crazy-ass, highly intimidating look.) In addition to its 16 fully-programmable buttons and eight-way directional thumb pad, the Nostromo can now support eight full keymaps (up from three) and twenty gaming profiles (up from ten).

The Razer Nostromo is available now for $69.99 at Razer Zone.


Anonymous said...

Many people that play WoW are going to get this :D

Suciô Sanchez said...

You know you spend too much time gaming when.....

Donkote said...

that looks sick...i want one

TaylorGomez said...

I prefer Logitech G13

Sam Peck said...

how does it compare to logitach g15?

shahidj said...

logitech is still better imo

cooperlife said...

great stuff
following your blog!

Nekura said...

That looks pretty awesome, but how does it "work"? It probably takes awhile to get used to..

timeline1992 said...

very cool

SpringyB said...

It looks kinda of awkward.

godaddy said...

great post, happy blogging

000 said...

surprising info

Kikino said...

Loos damn awesome!

also, new layout loos nice

brendan said...

swifty has one of these

Bryan Trude said...

Give me my full keyboard and life outside in the sun, kthx.

TravisTouchdown said...

omg that looks ridiculous! i've never seen a crazy keyboard like that

Primitive said...

how interesting, keep it up

A random 'feller said...

Might consider this for some SC2 play.

Mmm, the APM..

royevans said...

Does that include a low orbit ion cannon?

Gurney said...

I always wanted to get one of these

Rezden said...

Wow, that looks amazing. :) Might have to get this now that I'm gaming more.

Kichuwa said...

wow. that's uh, cool?

Anonymous said...

i never got used to mine so i returned it, i like the good old keyboard better

Dan said...

That looks awesome. But I really wonder how effective it really is compared to a keyboard. I mean, a keyboard has tons of keys.

David Davidson said...

I actually got a Razer mouse recently. I haven't opened it yet but I'm a bit excited to try it. :D

poorfags said...

That looks crazy xD

Anonymous said...

awesome !

The Whitest Polar Bear said...

I wonder if I could use it for online chess.

Sugar said...

i follow you every day,,nice posts..:))

BunnySMG said...

I've got the second version (first one to add a third row of keys) after using the first iteration for years. The second version is the best one so far. The LED bling BS version is a step down. Save yourself $20-30 and get the older version. The included software lets you make as many profiles as you want for whatever game. I don't know what you're refering to about only having 3 to 10 different profiles or whatever.

Izi said...

Looks awesome! i may buy it :)

Longkid said...

I guess thats cool

Joebloggs said...

Glad to see your commenting is fixed man

Sinisa said...

nice...good info...

rominoutozor said...

I want one like that !

Anonymous said...

That looks sic! Thanks for the info.

Anonymous said...

that would be great for pong ;)

RatsRunThisTown said...

Omg! Looks like the old skool power glove!

MRanthrope said...

you fancy huh?

kushman said...

I've never been a big fan of the nostromo, I prefer the good 'ol mouse and keyboard.

Willow said...

I want one...

killerkun said...

Well i don't know if i could ever get all the juice out of it, but it seems really sexy so i would totally buy it

SoreLosersGaming said...

Looks like it would take ages to get used to, but it would probably make gaming a lot more comfortable!

Unknown said...

Decent price, I just might have to get one.

i_love_weed said...

this mouse looks insane :O

i think i need to get one of these

Dr. Steve said...

savy, though I wouldn't be caught wth it in public.

bestblogeritsme said...

Last year i take for GTA this keypad, by the Razer Tartarus Chroma. So after few weeks playing i understand that it is the best one!