
Nov 22, 2010

Origin's Big O Stuffs an Xbox 360 Into a Gaming Desktop Hellbeast

The ingredients that went into Origin's Big O monster are decidedly prime: six-core Xeon 5680 processor, overclocking up to 4.3GHz, crazy graphics power. And the cherry on top is an integrated, liquid-cooled Xbox 360 slim in every rig. That's nasty.

The Big O has ferocious specs, but the real treat is that you can run the PC and the Xbox at the same time. Pretty special, and appropriately expensive; you're looking at $7669 for the base model, and for the pure hellbeast that is the Xeon 5680 model you'll pony up $17,000.


Classically Trained Nub said...

Jesus Christ, thats a pretty steep price for a PC and 360 combined. I can build a top of the line PC and just duct tape a 360 to the top if I wanted, for a quarter of that price.

shahidj said...

holy crap this is intense

Cpt Pownzor said...

the price on that is insane hahahaha

Izi said...

This looks awesome!

Ratch said...

o.O wow just wow

Simon said...

haha, that's nuts!

Suciô Sanchez said...

Love the case.

Gurney said...

yikes that rought pricing there. hopefuilly the hardware doesn't blow

killerkun said...

expensive e___e
and i don't even like xbox 360

Joebloggs said...

That is bloody awesome, i want one!

LoneIslander said...

*tears* It's so beautiful...............

iammyself said...

kind of awesome but way over my budget

cooperlife said...

17k for a PC and 360 combo? sounds like a fair price.

Archi said...

Oh my god!!! i'm speechless

SoreLosersGaming said...

If only I had that kind of money. Puts my "new" computer to shame.

Moggets said...

i came a little...

SpringyB said...

What do you need an xbox for if you have a PC?

Nostalgist said...

i so wish i could call this mine!

CrazyAce01 said...


I have a pretty nice laptop but that computer is ridiculous. Still, costly, right? What the hell?

Easy said...

Very cool! Im sure its well worth the money

Monster Madness said...

Omg... DO WANT!

Ante Babaja said...

whoa, thats epic

Anonymous said...

that is just overkill

Dan said...

Holy bologna that case is quite the massive spectacle of e-peen.

Big Poppa said...

17k? jeez.

Bradp13 said...

that is EPIC

kushman said...

Wow look at the specs on that thing. And the price is intense! said...

wonder how much more it would cost if they used a ps3 instead, or included both the 360 and ps3 for that matter 0____o

CookingManiac said...

Oh my god. <3

World of Zero said...

I have to ask. What is the point of owning a $10,000+ computer. It will be obsolete in 10 years and you can run almost anything for a tenth the price. I paid 700 for my computer originally (a little more now with new Fermi and such) but still. That is insane.

000 said...


SimsGuy said...

Bonus: It will also heat the entire first floor of your house.

Kichuwa said...

too rich for my blood.

Omi said...

Everything looked awesome til I saw the price. DAT PRICE MAN!

AG said...

lol tape a 360 on top

Cowbellrocker said...

Straight up ridiculous.

Sparrow said...

bet it still suffers from a Red Ring of Death....