
Nov 22, 2010

Olympus' Camera Lacks Interchangeable Lenses, But Will Be New Compact Flagship

Early next year Olympus will be selling a new flagship compact camera.

Their claim about it being their new flagship compact camera seems a little strange when you consider their PEN series, but perhaps they're trying to say this will be even more compact—it certainly doesn't have the interchangeable lenses their micro four thirdscameras use, anyway. It will have an accessory port for attaching accessories like their SEMA-1 microphone adapter and presumably an electronic viewfinder.


killerkun said...

naaaaah, I would not buy this :I

000 said...

splendid info

Kevin said...

interesant, do you do headphone news?

Das Auto! said...

interesting camera

LoneIslander said...

Where's my Fish-Eye Lense!

JRam said...

Wonder what the is the scale of size for that camera.

Kichuwa said...

No interchangeable lenses?

sounds like a deal breaker to me.

Gurney said...

well thats cool

Diego said...

I think is not worth it, but however, it deserves a consideration

Good post!

Kartoffeln said...

But interchangeable lenses are esential! That's a big mistake, I think

Lemmiwinks said...

kewl, lol

Jaceta said...

It seems like a pretty solid device, but lacking interchangeable lenses might hurt it's sales.

caretaker said...

I don`t know what to say...

Omi said...

I've have to see some reviews for it. :<

cooperlife said...

sounds like a great camera. I'll pick one up on my way to buy a new tv.

Leonidas said...

cool camera

Bryan Trude said...

As a photojournalist, I can say that a compact camera like this one (we call them point-'n-shoots), does not need a removable lens.

For a hobbyist, interchangeable lenses are a little beyond their means, and for a professional, they would likely carry a DSLR they can swap lenses on as needed, and carry this thing as a easily-deployable backup.

Suciô Sanchez said...

Too fancy for a duffer like me.

SoreLosersGaming said...

Meh. A camera is a camera is a camera; I don't have any problems with what I have right now.

Unknown said...

Nice. I need a better camera. Nothing fancy.

Big Poppa said...

i like it, im gonna go check out the PEN series now, didnt know it existed

Oh oh! Banana! said...

That camera looks pretty lame, IMO.

Muhammad said...


Cowbellrocker said...

Seems like it would meet up to its intended purpose. I probably wont be getting one though.