
Oct 7, 2010

Is the Verizon iPhone Really Happening in Early 2011?

The Wall Street Journal is claiming that the Verizon iPhone is imminent. Again. They say that Apple will start mass production of a CDMA iPhone by the end of 2010, starting sales in early 2011. However, there's something weird here.

Originally, the Wall Street Journal vaguely reported this story early in the morning, but they have just updated the article explicitly stating that the Verizon iPhone is happening. However, they haven't changed a couple of points that raise a red flag.

First, the introduction date is weird. Apple always introduces their new iPhones in the middle of the year. It seems unlikely that Apple will break that yearly cycle trend, although you never know. Perhaps this new phone will be an exception.

Then, the WSJ claims that it will be a CDMA iPhone, even while Verizon's CEO Ivan Seidenberg specifically categorically told the WSJ that there will not be a CDMA iPhone in 2009. In fact, Seidenberg told the WSJ that, if the Verizon iPhone happens, it will be for theirnew 4G LTE network. Last month, Seidenberg said that the iPhone will not come in the near future.

But maybe Apple changed his mind and he just doesn't want to spoil the surprise. Perhaps the fabled Verizon iPhone will appear once and for all (hopefully, with a fixed antenna design). Perhaps the Wall Street Journal is right this time, but they really meant that the new iPhone will run on Verizon's newly deployed LTE network. Whatever it is, we will know in a few months.


Stav88os said...


Splash87 said...

Cool, but Ill be sticking with the Android platform for a while.

Savage Nugget said...

Lokking forward to the end of this nonsense. :D

KnT said...

It'd be nice if the iPhone was finally available on something other than ATT

The Loon said...

Seems pretty out of date. 2011 will have a new iphone probably. >_>

killerkun said...

This again? as you say it doesn't seem like they would want to break their early tradition

TSFan said...

i heard it'll be a new iphone for verizon, dunno if it'll be only availble for verizon and not att, or what will be different, but, it's what i heard :)

Drackar said...

the fact that people still care about iphone saddens me.

Allen said...

I hope it comes soon.. It will be great for me.

L3K5 B1N4R13 said...

Wonder if will have loads of bugs like the iphone 4?

Potato-Head said...

Fingers Crossed

Horst Jochen Dieter said...

cant wait til it happens

Cowbellrocker said...

When I get a smartphone I plan on getting a droid based one. Never been a fan of the iphone interface.

Johnn said...

Ehhh... Doesn't affect me at all. I'd never use or buy an iPhone, regardless of the provider.

Goodfella said...

I really hope so. I hate AT&T. said...


Unknown said...

I still don't have a cell phone. Maybe this will be the one ;)

Tip Junkies said...

Well that would be cool!

Anonymous said...

I'd definitely do a Verizon iphone! Thanks for the heads up, I might actually hold off on a purchase until this fleshes out.

TheCreepistMan said...

I love Verizon. My droid-x is soo cash.

Keki said...

I've already got an iphone 4 so I wouldn't need this :-)

McFlame said...


Aaron said...

Should be interesting to see the new phone, no matter how it ends up. I just wish I had the money to pay for one.

Anonymous said...

awesome! thanks for sharing!

-ITW- said...

SEWN WE SHALL SEE... I still want a smart phone, but damn they are expensive with the internet plans and what not...

B.Bell said...


LoneIslander said...

Ehh who knows. Really don't care about iPhones or Androids anyway.

Nerd Life said...

I'd wait to see how this performs compared to the iPhone.

VidyaBlogBan said...

I'm with ATT right now but I don't have an iphone. And IMO, ATT and Verizon are the same quality (of bad). Their rates are quite similar (high) but the quality is there at least. If I did switch it'd be to Sprint probably

DerpFiles said...

Still can't afford one, and I have AT&T

Victor M. said...

All speculation we'll see what happens when or if it does come out. Hasn't been the first time that WSJ didn't get facts straight and had egg on their face.

MaryMolii said...

Would love to have one :D

D.T Halloway said...

apparently there are just many better alternstives!!

OneFourSeven said...

I've been waiting on this to finally happen for what feels like forever. If Apple wants to beat Google and Verizon wants to beat AT&T once and for all a partnership with Verizon is their best possible shot.

Anonymous said...

so glad for this! =)

Jack said...

Really interesting and well written. Good job!

pixel said...

i guess my phone is a 'dumb' phone, i am ok with that

Ohelig said...

Sprint 4G is better than Verizon's.

swizzfor said...

looks awesome

anontcotrol said...

should be good :)

infostation said...

It would be nice for a provider other than AT&T to have the iPhone. Right now it's funding more and more stupid AT&T projects instead of them focusing on fixing their awful networks. Maybe once another company gets the iPhone they'll see that people weren't going to them because they wanted to, but because they had to.

Anonymous said...


Mike Aguila said...

CDMA is dead technology though. Verizon needs to get their shite together and get on the HSPA bandwagon.

Naj said...

might be a good news, might be bad.

Aeacus.Warden said...

that would be cool.

4-Eva! said...

quite exciting

Senor Incognito said...

It'd be nice if the iPhone as well as Apple just vanished forever :D

Joshua said...

Will be interesting to see if it really happens.

Anonymous said...

i dont think iphone look like tahat in 2011

Anonymous said...

i dont think iphone look like tahat in 2011

Frederic said...

keeps getting better!

JDF said...

I have the iPhone on AT&T for 25 bucks a month. Pretty ez.

Life Through Fog said...

Very informative post, thanks for sharing. See you again.

The King of Crap said...

I am going to stick with the droid, just for the open source apps. Though, I am sure this will be jail broken soon.

bbonnar said...

I want one, looks legit.

YouNostalgiaYouLose said...

damn if thats true, thatd be nice

aGas said...

@jdf: yeah man, i've got the same deal. pretty sweet.

That Which Haunts said...

The way tech gets pushed out these days it would not surprise me whenever it decided to show up.