While you know an MP3 player will play MP3s, and a DVD player will do its thing, the new breed of boxes don't wear their functionality on their sleeve. Set-top boxes, media boxes—we know they're boxes, yes, but what's inside? What are these boxes going to do for you? Some want to make renting movies a cinch, some want to help you stream the movies you already have—and some seem like they want to try to do it all. So take a look below, and see what matters most to you.
It might feel like comparing apples to oranges to turkey legs, but every device listed on the plate wants to help replace your TV.
Yeah really intersting info here
wait... wat?
So is this the start of a in depth review series?
i was thinking the same thing actually lol
Nice in-depth review here.
cant wait to see it
This is going to be an interesting read.
PC with media center gets my vote
I just can't stand normal TV's.
I don't even know what half of these are.
nice blog,supportin daily,please do aswell;)
Love reading your blog. Check out mine!
So far i've been unimpressed with everything that's supposed to 'replace' tv. I'm sure it will only get better though.
hm hard decision!
Bye Bye Cable!
Wait wait...they're replacing TV now? What's next?
I can't wait to see what comes of this. There are so many options out there.
im actually a fan of the WD TV. its has a little trouble the audio codecs on mkv files tho
cheers for awesome-er TV's!
so many options
PS3 + Wii, 'nuff said
apple tv
Apple TV plz!
I think I'll just stick to youtube and normal TV until TV streams onto the internet as mainstream media.
I say neither, i'll just keep using my pc and piratebay...
I'll stick with the Xbox..
Nice, I like it.
Lol I'm already streaming stuff from my computer onto my PS3 :P
Only thing sucks about it is that it can't run MKV files :(
im probably gonna setup a small pc connected to my tv. ill just download what i want and then stream it to my tv.
all these products seem overpriced to me.
I have a PC media center set up. Does everything I need it to do.
Eventually we'll just have a giant, all-in-one TV system.
my TV's best friend isnt me, thats fo sure
I just plug my old eMac into the TV.
This is an epic post.
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