
Sep 29, 2010

Rent the Balancing Barn at Your Own Peril

Architects took on gravity and won, and now daredevils can pay almost $300 a night to stay in the "balancing barn," where 50 per cent of the building dangles precariously off a slope.

Thankfully it doesn't appear that a swing was built-in under the barn as the concept pictures suggested last year. Everything else about the Suffolk, England-located barn however matches up perfectly—albeit, scarily. The website describes the house as being "clad in elegant silver tiles," however I'd watch out on a sunny day if I were you—they look capable of reflecting some mean sunlight.

Construction has just been completed, and already the website is taking online bookings from next month. Stays of four nights cost £725 ($1,150), which works out to a little below $300 a night for the eight person-sleeper. I'd suggest packing a first aid kit just in case.


loloriz0r said...


looks really trustworthy..

miecak said...

That's awesome! I would live there :D

Jakeman-Jensen said...

I'd rather spend $300 going to Bonnaroo xD

David said...


Naj said...

wow! people love crazy things!

Drackar said...

Bah. Perfectly safe.

SH said...

Holy crap, I would not want to live there.

Also i Need some F5s. :\

Ishu said...

So, will they pay me $300 If I sleep under the balancing part? xD

Uncle Nihilio said...

Would be sorta fun if it slid down the hill like in cartoons.

tSwizzle said...

and then the earthquake hits.. said...

Wow, I would so live there...yeah right lol

Sigmund said...

That's crazy

Saryn said...

Yeah that looks safe. Not sure if I'd give it a try.

Crammarc said...

Physics be damned

Harrysoon said...


Anonymous said...

Ok who let this happen?

East Sexton said...

OMG hahah I've never seen anything like that!

remzi said...


Mayela said...

How do you maintain the balance if there is nothing underneath?
How amazing~!

Skyshock said...

lol i couldn't sleep well inside that thing

Hey, just wanted to tell you that my blog has a new URL so check it out!

Anonymous said...

That's actually a decent price.

Unknown said...

No guys, you go on ahead, I think I'll stay in the back. :D

Vathir said...

Woah, that's pretty crazy.

grizz said...

this is looking very scaring :S

DailyDose said...

Looks good to me :P

Lewis said...

looks interesting bro :)

Unreal said...

In my opinion, you should get 8 really fat people to stay the night, all sit in the far end, and see if it tips. If so, sue.

Slumph said...

what loloriz0r said :P

MistahDrama said...

Wow that loks awesome lol I wouldn't mind staying there for a spell!

Defective Robot said...

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!?! Physics is weird

Sykefu said...

i think i couldn't sleep in there, i'd be like ... WILL IT FALL ... won't it ? will it ? won't it ? for the whole night, even though i now it's safe, i just can't help it.

Frank said...

Dude, that is crazy !! I think I would be scared to go and sleep in that house !!

McBindaHouse said...

Don't sleep inside the barn, sleep in a tent underneath, then you'll have my respect.

jamespwns said...

I'm not sure why someone would pay $300 to sleep in a house that dangles halfway off of an edge.

This Guy: said...

I actually wouldn't feel sorry if that barn snapped in half while they were sleeping, and both sides slid down the hill.

Oran said...

Pretty crazy..

Michele said...


melinko said...

thats ia awesome

Jordan Swish said...

I'd party there :)

Biff Tanner said...

Wow that's awesome

Data Fox said...

Mind = blown

bruno said...

i'd definetly live in there

joanna.elherro said...

seems legit to me.

Joshua said...

That's pretty neat, I do wonder what their next project will be.

Primitive said...

haha this is awesome! i shall put you on my startup page ;) keep up the good work bro!

Zykei said...

Pisa called, he wants his gravity back.

Gaming Anon said...

lol, looks cool

LoreBlogger said...

wow... lol

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's crazy. Silver tiles? Way overboard.

Shane said...

This is... interesting.

jswerd said...

thats crazy, id never stay there

The Reviever said...

Hahaha, this is some hardcore living.

Ruhmreich said...

wow.. that's weird and astounishing... cool post

Skimbosh said...

Really? No swing?

I'd be more afraid to hang out under it then in it.

Undertaker said...

That thing looks awesome! I want to book already!

Ryukai said...

Haha "architects took on gravity and won" They sure did.

Crunky said...

Properly cantilevered, they could have gotten away with 90% of it hanging over...

Anonymous said...

very nice blog
i like your post!
supportin & follow you ;)

doingitwrong said...

wow looks crazy....

Mister Sharaf said...

haha that's my house

DerpFiles said...

Oh god, I'd be way too scared that shifting in my sleep could make the whole thing go over.

ShredGuitar said...

Haha, cool!

Andromeda said...

You couldn't pay me to stay in that lol...So I defiantly wouldn't pay someone else to stay in it.

beck said...

im alhpa, i could live there

_lycosa said...

It looks so fake, I can't bereeve it.

Space Humping $19.99 said...

this reminds me of on the simpsons when the bowling alley was transposed onto the tip of a mountain after the hurricane

Archivist X0042 said...

damn, would if i could

Janus Kane said...

I do so love my daily stops here, mate :) Always something interesting and amazing to quench my burning curiosity. Just a delight, I must say.

As well, you may be interested to know that I would gladly pay 300, if your up for a roadtrip ;)


Anonymous said...

What the heck?

Blaster said...

That sure looks like an exciting place to live.

3milelimit said...

lol this reminds me of minecraft where you can build something and then delete the part that attached to the ground... didn't expect to ever see that in real life!

Mr. Black said...

Straight up crazy man!

Applelove said...

I wonder if there is some kind of support structure that keeps it balanced? Seems like a bunch of juveniles would latch a rope to one end and tip it over.