I've only skimmed Apple's App Review Guidelines, but I'm pretty sure that Moral Decay isn't exactly designed in accordance to them. But who knows, maybe Apple will approve aniPhone game that involves
After all, it's perfectly possible that Apple will overlook that the Moral Decay app has the potential to be offensive to a group, portrays realistic violence, has realistic depictions of weapons, is probably designed to upset some users, and contains potentially offensive references to a religion.
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Looks fun :)
cool!supportin bro :)
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haha cool app i want it eff apple for rejecting it
Excellent game!!
Looks super cool! :d
Wow, haha! That's awesome.
Follow me bros!
Just not fair is it :( jailbreak that sucka!
Damn, it got rejected. Looked pretty good.
lol that looks kick arse
How odd.
man, they can't reject that, it's awesome...
Shame Apple rejected it. It looked good.
super game hahaha :) goo post:p
haha, cool title, caught my attention.
cool vid! apple sucksss
Careful to never offend any religious groups. That's how people end up dead.
Religions in general tend to have a bit of a violent streak.
Epic game lol
Supportin :)
Haha, what a shame :/
Lol what an awesome game.
hahaha! awesome game!
People have way too much free time on their hands to make crap like that lol
Looks like a pretty sweet game :P
pretty cool!
Awesome haha plus hot pro pic :)
daaaaaam i would pay anything to play that game!! long live the glory days!
showing my support for a fellow blogger!
God that's so cool
Thank you for exposing apple!
this looks awesome!
damn, i wish i could play it!
Looks fun, apple is gay
haha, that's pretty funny. love the blog
I'd buy it, that game looks like it right up my alley.
This looks pretty interesting. Diggin' it.
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