
Sep 21, 2010

The First 1.5TB Portable External Hard Drive Is USB 3.0 and From Seagate

SSDs might be the storage du jour for their speed, but there's still no beating regular-asshard drives for their price to capacity ratio. And now, the first 1.5TB portable hard drive, from Seagate.

The FreeAgent GoFlex looks like this, and gives you USB 3.0 connectivity (or FireWire 800, if you get the FireWire adapter instead) for an MSRP of $250. Naturally these are more expensive than the desktop, large boy versions, but you're getting a lot of space for your digital media. And if you're a photographer or just a person who has a lot of movies and TV shows digitized and want to keep it with you, it's a nice option.


Savage Nugget said...

I need a new external soooo bad and i've been lookin at these seagates. :D

modest crisis said...

these look awesome, might wait till they get a bit cheaper and get one for myself

Ankiseth said...

I could use another 1.5Tb...1 just isn't cutting it.

mickvp said...

looks like a beast

KlausEbert said...

USB 3.0 is great shit :)

ShiningMeow said...

I have the 250 GB version (80% full). I'd probably buy a 500 or 750 GB depending on which one is cheapter per GB. Won't need THAT much storage. I only get 120 GB quota every month for my internet.

Oni said...

great now i have to buy another external HD, will bring my storage to 4 Tb lol

Mr. Derp said...

Wish I had USB 3.0.

Harrysoon said...

Could come in handy.

Jackson said...

See, personally I think that's a huge overkill. 1.5tb is not necessary at all, not for storage anyways. I think we should spend more money in RAM memory. Imagine it, a 1tb processor! we could run holograms and stuff on that!

Skyshock said...


Anonymous said...

1.5TB. That's impressive. The rate at which technology advances is stunning.

peace, read&love daily


Naj said...

i like seagate because every drive i buy from them has a 5 year-warranty!

Epsi said...

So sick! I need one.

ChemoJackson said...

I want one O_O

momo said...

i want this C: i also want clicks lul

remzi said...

Thanks for the info

General Dissaray said...

keep up the good work!

Skrull said...

wow gotta get one of those!

Water Proof Chicken said...

Hmmm I am thinking of getting one of these now.

Airmac said...

Nice article dude, here's some daily love for you:)

ShredGuitar said...

Hah, cool!

Mc Uncool said...

hands up who got 3.0 USB on his Tower ^^?

Dr. Phun said...

Damn thats 2.5"?

gotta get one of those! :O

Orfeas said...

I bought mine 100euros and its 1.5tb

Though i think its usb2.0 ;S; s; s

hunter time said...

usb 3? man i'm out of touch

Shane said...

How recent is 3.0? This is the first i've heard of it.

Unknown said...

seagate products are good

Anonymous College Student said...

Oh wow.... This is awesome.

ViNCENT said...

Alltough I made allways good experiences with Seagate, my actual ones are from Fujitsu Siemens.

I do own two 500GB internal and one 1TB ext. and they are very speedy and quit too.

Maybe my next one will be Seagate again.

Drackar said...

That's pretty awesome...the bottleneck would be getting photos from the camera to the computer, at this point.

Tetru Eunor said...

Ok ! it's not in my shopping list! I haven't got that much porn to store !

Anonymous said...

Keep up the interesting posts!

Anonymous said...

These are really handy to have, gives me space for all my music and movies.

Anonymous said...

Lmao at momo's comment.
Thats 'a lot' of memory. I have a 500 gig one and thats more than enough for me! I dont think I'll use it all...well maybe if I keep downloading all these movies, but even still that would take a long time!

Much love and $upport headed your way broham!