
Sep 11, 2010

Apple's App Store Dominated By Pay Apps, Google's By Free Apps

Are iPhone owners more willing to pay for applications than Android owners? Or are Android developers just more interested in giving away their apps?

Something's going on with these two app markets which have completely different make ups, according to Royal Pingdom. Pingdom surveyed the App Store and the Android Market and discovered that only 30% of the apps in Apple's store are free, while 65% of the apps in the Android Market are free.

Why the disparity? Pingdom speculates that maybe more Google developers are just hobbyists or tinkers who can get their app in store because they don't have to deal with Apple's gate keepers. Another important factor, Google only supports paid apps in 13 countries.

It's also much easier to install pirated software on Android phones than it is Apple phones. So perhaps this pushes down sales.

Maybe it's just cultural? Google gives away Android. Apple does not.


The Loon said...

I don't pay for any apps. I would if the iTunes giftcards worked to purchase them in Canada though.

David said...

Interesting post bro,showin my support !

Joe Dirt said...

android ftw!

vibe said...


Nobody said...

Generic, copy and paste comment.

Anonymous said...


Follow me bros.

Unknown said...

Suportin bro!

Complex said...

May also be due to apple having a lot of 0.10 apps, as appose to £5.00 or more priced apps.

chasityxo said...

wow id rather an android bcuz free= awesome

Ishu said...


ghostburnz said...

i wouldn't pay for an app at all.

Superhero Bobblehead said...

Lower priced apps = more available for purchase.

Good blog, following!

Jimmy Volmer said...

the iPhone still pwns

Red Baron said...

puhahahah pay ?

Dilly Skates said...

Who pays for apps?

Much Poopies! said...

i am glad you like it :)

Skyshock said...

thats awesome

Slumph said...

wow owned.. also, I came at you bro! :D

R2r.0 said...

ANDROID is the best gamee!!!

! Movies, Games, And More ! said...

Good post I found it interesting, Showing you some support :D

Mecha Six VII said...

that's quite interesting.

Garbanian said...

Lol APPLEFAGS. Nuff said.

CHOxLARGE said...

Apple is in the business of making money, no big deal.

`†he ÕŠen†al ÕŠasochis† said...

holy shit google is there anything you cant do

Jared said...

i'd go android over iOS any day. :) i got a BB tho :P

TweakzGaming said...

apple is milking us.

Daniel said...

Maybe the majority of the good Android apps are just free, because android is just that awesome.

Gary Oak Party said...

that's cool. i didn't know about it at all o.o
i'll check more later

dRockBlock said...

also consider that the app store has more apps, and so that percent of free could be the same number of free from the droid

John L said...

Free apps ftw.

Shane said...

One of the many reasons I like Google considerably more than Apple.

Ren Rotten said...

Still an apple girl <3

Showing some daily love and support <3

jerbearxi said...

Love this. Thanks. Follow me?

! Starcraft II ! said...

I stil prefer the iphone over the droid

GamestarrArts said...

Not sure, but I bet anyone who could afford the damn iphone has no problem paying for their apps.


Sparrow said...

showing lots of love and support for a fellow blogger! If you get the chance come by and check out my new entry! show some support for saving the planet!

Katie Greene said...

eh. i see all the apps my apple fanboi friends have. waste of money.

Anonymous said...

lul not that awesome

Discerning Gentleman said...

Apple FTW

JRam said...

When comparing Apple and Google, there is a sizable difference in their culture. Later on as both markets develop, however, Andriod pay apps statistics might be closer to Apple's.

Mantooth said...

I've only paid for two apps on my iphone. Most stuff is just too pointless to pay for. I may switch to an android phone soon

Japannews said...

wouldn't pay for an app myself.

Sinleet said...


g3000 said...

wee, that's another reason why iphone sucks ... however the best for android are also paid ... so life sucks

Emilie said...

I wouldn't pay for an app.... :)
interesting post though!


thanks for the comment :)

hunter time said...

lol thats why i don't like apple as much

Silly Old Bum said...

i have none of them.


Kevorkian said...

Google is into free software a lot while Apple would make you pay the air you breathe if they could, i guess customers and developers choose considering this.

The ones more oriented on free spftware will buy an Andriod phone while others an iPhone, making free apps more popular on Andriod side.

Anonymous said...

daily support ! <3

Fons said...

android > ios

Anonymous said...

that was informative

haxl3r said...

interesting bro.
just makes you realize how much BETTER android/google are to their customers. showing daily love.

Lemmiwinks said...

Kewl story bro! Following

suzychen said...

no surprise here

iMonei said...

man cant decide if i want iphone or android
thx for love, supportan and everything

check me out bros

Harrysoon said...

Very interesting.

shirou said...

another reason for choosing android phones.. thanks for sharing..

Ante Babaja said...


Anonymous said...

i use android and i can say its the best OS ever made.

Showing my daily love.

JP said...

probably to steal over people from apple?


Anonymous said...

nice post ;)
i like it bro;)
supportin & following you !