
Feb 27, 2013

You Can Download Adobe Photoshop Touch for Your iPhone or Android Phone Now

If you've been waiting the cold long year to get Photoshop on your iPhone or Android Phone, the wait is finally over. Photoshop Touch for iPhone and Android is now available for $5.

The phone version of Photoshop Touch has pretty much the same features as the tablet version that launched last year—it's just been repackaged for the smaller screen. So that means along with core Photoshoppin' features like layers, advanced selection tools, adjustments, etc., you'll get the exclusive Photoshop Touch features like high-precision selections using a finger and Camera Fill for blending camera feed with layers too. It's only $5 and available at both the App Store and Google Play.

1 comment:

Outcast said...

I can tell that this is going to be a massive hit with smart phone users, I personally think it's awesome and don't own one.