By adding some extra ingredients and a pinch of a zinc compound to a traditional epoxy resin, a team of French researchers have made a plastic whose chemical bonds continually break and reform. When it's cold, the material is pretty rigid, maintaining its shape. Warm it up, though, and the plastic becomes malleable, allowing the material to heal small scratches and dents.
Normally synthetic plastics fall into two types: thermoplastics and thermosets. The former can be heated and remoulded but are weak, and the latter can only be processed once but are strong. This new plastic sits in the middle: it's possible to remould it, but it's also strong. It even maintains its properties when it's ground up and recycled.
It sounds too good to be true. Maybe it is. But I want everything plastic I own from now on to be made out of it.
hmm I wonder how hot you have to get it, like would sitting my helaing plastic plate next tot he stove as Im cooking cause it to reform into a pile of mush or are we talking 1000's of degrees
Sounds epic!
Interesting news!
That's so awesome! It does sound it's too good to be true but here's hoping it isn't!
really interesting technolog!
hmm I wonder how hot you have to get it, like would sitting my helaing plastic plate next tot he stove as Im cooking cause it to reform into a pile of mush or are we talking 1000's of degrees
Sounds self healing.
you wouldn't want something like this to be crockery :/
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