The fishermen say their discovery, which actually bears no resemblance to Blinky the three-eyed fish from The Simpsons, has begun to worry local residents who live near the reactor. And instead of feasting on their catch, and presumably gaining superpowers from its probable high levels of radiation, the men have decided to let it be tested to see if the mutation was actually a result of it being exposed to the water from the nuclear plant. After that they plan to have it embalmed for posterity, or sell it to Fox as a promotional item for their long running, and eerily prophetic, animated series.
Simpsons did it! haha what haven't they predicted.
i want this fish badly...
Lol! The Simpson's are psychic!
Don't worry we'll get a Charles Darwin look-a-like to prove that it's not the nuclear plant waste after all. I love the simpsons
that fish is freaky as hell!
The Simpsons was right...
Wow, what have the Simpsons done? This is crazy!
ahahah this is why I love simpsons :D
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