Another proposed system also puts the earphones to work -- though without the need for that giant charging post. Instead the headphones slip into an acoustic charger, which cause their speakers to vibrate, creating a current that charges the device. As ever, just because a patent application surfaces doesn't mean a final product will ever see the light of day -- and these methods (particularly that big charging post) do seem like a long way to go to shave off the precious millimeters that inductive charging traditionally brings. But hey, Apple's all about the svelte devices, and stranger things have certainly happened.
Geez, this thing scares me. I'd be afraid I'd plug it into my head and my brain would get electrocuted. Give me my trusty 8-track player anyday! ;-)
why would they want that?
Should i be excited or scared?
When I looked, I thought it was a scratching post that played Otis Redding. Silly Apple.
Interesting, kinda scay looking though
Im not really sure what to think of this beside damn does Apple really need this many products?
impresive stuff!!! love visiting this blog! keep the good work! follow
Despite my well-voiced opinion that Apple needs to not exist... at all this is just a ridiculous idea in general.
not really an engineer myself but I dont think that is going to go over too well. lol.
Yeah, not seeing the utility in this thing.
yeah that whole contraption just seems pretty pointless
lol wut?
and it will cost just 2000 dollars :P
Seems a bit pointless. What advantage does this have over normal charging systems?
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