Sharp Shows off the World's First Super Hi-Vision LCD With 16x More Detail Than 1080p
While Japan's NHK has been working on the successor to HDTV, Super Hi-Vision, for years, there haven't been any direct-view HDTVs capable of showing its full 7,680 x 4,320 pixel resolution until this prototype unveiled today by Sharp. Its 103 pixels per inch, but that's still far more than the 36ppi of a 60-inch 1080p HDTV. If estimates are correct, we'll still be waiting until around 2020 for that 33MP video and 22.2 channel sound to actually be broadcast, although there's a possibility of some demonstrations happening during the 2012 Olympics. Just head over to the NHK's Science & Technology Research Laboratories in Tokyo between the 26th and 29th of this month to see it live.
Very sharp! hahahaha
it should almost look like real life
looks like a window lol
Wow amazing technology, only to make it more affordable now
Wwwwhhhhhyyyyyy? I swear, how much better can resolution really get? At what point will we stop noticing the difference?
I want ittt D:
That's one beautiful LCD.
Wow, that's quite impressive to say the least.
Now the issue is getting a camera that has enough megapixelage to actually put that to use lol.
Mmm.. 4k displays
I laughed
Oh wow, I wonder how large I'd like my screen. at some point it'll be too large...
OMG this is awesome!
I must have that tv lol.
wow massive!
Get your hand out of the way lady!
those will burn my eyes!
The japanese... They can do everything =)
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