This implementation requires your iPhone be held perpendicular rather than upright, making previewing a capture virtually impossible until after you've stopped the recording, which seems unnatural. Combine that with a minimum Kickstarter pledge of $98 to secure one of your own, and suddenly the less-portable and lower-degree alternatives start sounding a little more attractive.
o.O cool
that is pretty cool. makes me want to get an Iphone just for the cool stuff you can buy for it.
that is very cool!
Whoa, that's a pretty neat lookin' device; but don't know if I would drop $98 for it.
i am speachles! niceee
Wow, thats awesome...I would like to make some of these videos.
that's really cool.
what do the vids look like?
thast pretty cool! google should use this for taking pics inside buildings
that is cool...I might just get me one
Wow, I was wondering how long it'd be until something like this!
That looks way too bulky
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